Zhang Yaoyi, 14, Shanghai: I think it is good for teachers to use WeChat in class. When they ask a q

三,阅读理解题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)    A
Zhang Yaoyi, 14, Shanghai:
I think it is good for teachers to use WeChat in class. When they ask a question, everyone is happy to answer it on WeChat. They don’t have to put up their hands, but just type a few words instead. And the emojis (表情) are fun to use.
Cao Yue, 14, Jiangsu:
Using WeChat in class is good for shy students. They don’t like to speak in class. But on WeChat, they can share ideas freely. It helps students to be more active when taking part in class activities. I think it is good to use WeChat in class.
Guo Ruiting, 14, Guangdong:
I don’t think we should use WeChat in class. We need to use cell phones for WeChat. But it is hard for the teacher to manage    the class. Some students cannot control    themselves if they have cell phones. They will use it to play games or chat on QQ in class. I don’t think it is necessary to use WeChat in class. Sun Jiayang   13, Jiangsu:
WeChat is good for class. But we should use it carefully. When we use it in some classes, students are happy to discuss questions. But it is also hard for teachers to manage. The class might get a little bit disorganized . I think we can use it in one class a week and no more than that.
31  What are the students talking about?
A. If it is good for students to use phones.    B. What classes will be like in the future.
C. If it is good to use WeChat in class.    D. Why students like to use emojis.
32.Where does Cao Yue come from?
A.Shanghai.    B. Jiangsu.    C. Guangdong.    D. Beijing.
33.Which of the following is Guo Ruiting’s opinion?
A.Using WeChat in class can help students have fun.
B.Shy students can share their ideas freely on WeChat.
C.It is hard to control the class if students are using their phones.
D.Most students prefer using QQ over using WeChat.
34.According to Sun Jiayang, how often should students use WeChat in class?
A.Never.    B. In every class.    C. Once a week.    D. Once a month.
35.How many students are completely    against the idea?
One.    B. Two        C. Three.    D. Four. 三,阅读理解题(每题2分,共20分)
31-35. CBCCA     
细节理解题。根据文中Cao Yue, 14, Jiangsu:可知,曹月来自江苏。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文中But it is hard for the teacher to manage  the class. Some students cannot control  themselves if they have cell phones. They will use it to play games or chat on QQ in class. I don’t think it is necessary to use WeChat in class.可知,如果学生使用手机,就很难控制课堂。
细节理解题。根据文中I think we can use it in one class a week and no more than that.可知,孙佳杨认为学生们应该一周使用一次。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文中Guo Ruiting, 14, Guangdong: I don’t think we should use WeChat in class. We need to use cell phones for WeChat. But it is hard for the teacher to manage  the class.可知,只有郭瑞婷反对。故选A。
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