Nowadays, we depend on advanced technology too much. However, a the saying goes, a coin has two side

Nowadays, we depend on advanced technology too much. However, a the saying goes, a coin has two sides. The tool bringing you convenience may also put you in trouble. Here is a modern-day horror story:
A young mother was employed in doing her writing when her son, aged 2, burst into tears somehow. She did all she could to ease her son. But in vain. She had no way to comfort him. Meanwhile, her iPhone rang aloud, which attracted his son's attention. He stopped crying temporarily. It occurred to her that the iPhone might help. Thus, she handed her iPhone to her son: What happened next? The child entered an incorrect passcode on his mother's phone so many times that the device became locked for 251 14984 minutes, about 47 years, making it absolutely useless to its formerly digitally connected owner. That's the scene now facing a Shanghai mother,
identified only as Ms Lu by Chinese news reports, whose kid played with her phone and unfortunately began the process of disabling the device for, basically, forever. According to a news report, Ms Lu waited two months to see if the situation would improve, but the iPhone remained locked. “I couldn't really wait 47 years and tell my grandchild it was his father's mistake, ”she reportedly said. The alternative mode of accessing the phone is to wipe it with a factory reset. This is why you should always backup ( 备份) all your data.
iPhone can become locked with six failed attempts at entering a passcode on the locked screen, and the amount of time for which the phone is locked can compound (增加) with ongoing attempts to break in. So, for all the parents out there: see to it that you don't let your kid loose on your phone, assuming you want to still use it
when he's done, of course.
4. Why did the young mother hand her phone to her son?
A. To focus on her housework.       B. To comfort her crying kid.
C. To let him answer the phone.      D. To play the phone with him.
5. What happened to Ms Lu?
A. The system of her iPhone broke down.
B. She couldn't use her iPhone back then.
C. Her iPhone was locked for two months.
D. She forgot the passcode of her iPhone.
6. To solve her problem, Ms Lu should
A. backup all the data immediately
B. wipe the iPhone with a factory reset
C. enter the correct passcode for six, times
D. set a new passcode to unlock the iPhone
7. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?
A. Don't hand your own phone to your young kid.
B. Let your kid feel loose when using your phone.
C. Make sure to set a passcode to lock your phone.
D. Be careful when your kid plays with your phone.

[语篇导读]记叙文。讲述一位母亲用手机安抚哭闹的孩子,但孩子输入错误密码,导致手机将锁屏约 47年。
4.B事实细节题根据第二自然段第四、五句话“She had no way to comfort him. Meanwhile, her iPhone rang aloud, which attracted his son's attention.”可知,母亲为了安抚哭闹的孩子,把手机递给儿子。故选B.
5.B事实细节题根据第二自然段第句话“The child entered.... making it absolutely useless to its formerly digitally-connected owner.”叮知,该母亲的手机将被锁屏大约47年。
6.B事实细节题根据第二自然段倒数第二句话“The alternative mode of accessing... factory reset.”可知,除了等待约47年,要想重新解锁手机,只能恢复出厂设置。故选B.
7.D猜词猜义题根据横线后的“.... assuming you”即“..假定孩子玩完手机后你依然想要能够使用手机”可知,划线部分应该是提醒父母当孩子玩手机时一定要当心。故选D。

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