During the COVID-19, Americans are afraid of possible shortages of products so the supermarket shelv

During the COVID-19, Americans are afraid of possible shortages of products so the supermarket shelves become empty. However, one nutritionist says healthy eating shouldn’t be influenced by the COVID-19.
“There is no need to store the food because there are plenty of food supplies in the United States,” said Diane Rigassio Radler, director of the Institute for Nutrition Interventions at Rutgers University, in New Jersey.
“However, it is a good idea to have plenty of food at home to reduce the number of times you have to go to the supermarket,” she added. “When you go shopping, try to go at times when supermarkets are less crowded so that you can keep enough social distancing. Another choice is to go shopping online,” she added. “Wash your hands as soon as you get home from the supermarket. Then unpack your bags. Wipe (擦) packaged foods with an alcohol-based (含酒精的) paper towel, and wash all produce. If you have reusable bags, wash them if possible or wipe them with an alcohol-based towel,” she advised. 
Store some canned, frozen and dried non-perishable (干燥不易腐烂的) foods, but understand the differences. Canned foods last for years, but generally have a higher sodium content than the others. Frozen foods will last for months, but could go bad if the electricity supply cannot be provided.
Dried foods, including dried beans, pasta, shelf-stable milk, and root vegetables (carrots and potatoes), are also good foods to have at home.
A healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and adequate protein and grains can help you improve your immunity (免疫力). She also advised us to have less sugar and alcohol.
Drink plenty of water. Try to get 150 minutes of physical activities per week. Doing more exercise can improve immunity, and lack of sleep can weaken your immune system.
1. Which advice is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 3 ?
A. Storing some food at home.
B. Having enough sleep.
C. Wiping packaged foods with an alcohol-based paper towel.
D. Going shopping online.
 2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Canned foods can last for years.
B. People should unpack their bags first after returning home.
C. Carrots and tomatoes are also good foods to have at home.
D. Try to get 250 minutes of physical activities per week.
3. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. There are plenty of food supplies in the USA during the COVID-19. 
B. People should protect themselves during the COVID-19.
C. Keep healthy eating during the COVID-19.
D. Doing more exercise can improve people’s immunity.
1. B
解析】细节理解题。根据第三段内容,可知没有提到“要有充足的睡眠”,故选“Having enough sleep.”。
2. A
解析】细节理解题。根据第四段内容“Canned foods last for years, but generally have a higher sodium content than the others.”可知罐装的食物能保存多年,故选“Canned foods can last for years.”。
3. C
解析】主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了即使在新型冠状病毒期间,也要坚持健康饮食,故选“Keep healthy eating during the COVID-19.”。
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