It can be difficult to start a hobby. You may not know where to begin or you may have come across

第二节  (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
      It can be difficult to start a hobby. You may not know where to begin or you may have come across one that requires costly equipment.   36   To find a low-cost hobby, picksomething that is interesting to you, doesn't require a lot of materials. and is available to youin your area.
     Begin a collection. Many different collections can be started with little or no cost.    37 Look for rocks, plant leaves and flowers, or insects you can preserve and keep. Another way is to begin to collect an object in your house, such as saving bottle-caps.
         38   Youtube contains quantities of music you can listen to for free. Besides, you can discover music you like by using online radio stations or services including Pandora and Spotify. By exposing yourself to new music, you can turn music into a relaxing hobby without having to buy albums.
     Learn a game. Games are similar to sports and often benefit from being shared in the community(团体).  Game groups will often supply board games at no cost to you.  In addition,
libraries and schools may have video game groups for children and adults. You can also play a wide variety of free online games with people around you.    39       If these things fail to attract you, ask experts about how to begin. Find hobbyists and ask
those who are experienced in your potential hobby for the minimum cost of materials you need to start.    40   You'll be surprised that you don't need as much equipment as you imagined.
A. Listen to music.
B. One way to do this is to go outside.
C. Ask yourself what your favorite music is.
D. How and where to find one collection is up to you.
E. Use the site meetup. com  to see what groups are in your area.
F. The truth is that many hobbies can be started without much money.
G. This will help you judge whether or not a hobby fits into your budget.
36. F 根据空前“You may not know where to begin or you may have come across one that requires costly equipment.” 及空后find a low-cost hobby,”可知,F项“事实是许多业余爱好不用花很多钱就能开始”符合。
37. B 根据空后“Look for rocks, plant leaves and flowers, or insects you can preserve and keep. Another way is to begin to collect an object in your house, such as saving bottle-caps."可知,B 项“一个能做到这样的方法 就是到户外去”符合
38. A 该空是第三段的中心句。本段主要介绍了通过多听音乐来将听音乐变成自己的业余爱好。由此可推 断,A项'史更乐”符合
39. E 根据空前“Games are similar to sports and often benefit from being shared in the community(团体)."可 知,E项"使用meetup, cam这个网站否看你所在的地区有哪些团体”符合。
40. G 根据空前“Find hobbyists and ask those who are experienced in your potential hobby for the minimum cost of materials you need to start."及空后“You'll be surprised that you don't need as much equipment as you imagined. ”可知,G项“这能帮助你判断是否一项业余爱好适合你的预算”符合

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