My parents run a small store in San Francisco. They always keep a big box by the entrance where peop

My parents run a small store in San Francisco. They always keep a big box by the entrance where people can donate (捐赠) something to our local food bank.
  “For some reason, our food-donation box just isn’t filling up recently,” said my dad.
  “Maybe it’s time to think of a way to remind people about the food bank,” said my mom.
  “What about a talent show?” my dad suggested.
  “OK,   ” said my mom. 
  So while my parents posted information online, we kids made some signs. My friend Mareya came over to help out.
  “I’d like to do an act in the show, but I don’t know what to do,” I told Mareya.
  “Well, since the food-bank thing is about sharing,” said Mareya, “why not write a song about that?”
  “Writing a song is not a problem,” I said. “But it’s hard for me to sing it alone!”
  She said, “What if we sang it together?”
  Since Mareya has the world’s prettiest voice and also happens to play the guitar, I agreed.
  Mareya and I practiced and practiced, and I was feeling pretty good about our act. But the morning of the performance, Mareya called that she had a stomachache and was not in any shape to perform.
  “There’s no way I’m going on without you,” I told her.
  “You’ve worked so hard,” she said. “You’ll be great!”
  But great is the last word anyone would choose to describe my performance! Without Mareya’s guitar and voice to guide me, my song was completely in a mess. And I even forgot half the words.
  Remember the sick, heart-racing, hot-faced feeling I was talking about? Well, that’s what I was experiencing—more than I ever had before.
  Once I was off the steps, my mom gave me a big hug.
  “I want to disappear! I’ve never been so embarrassed (尴尬的) in my life,” I said.
  Ollie smiled. “I think you are really brave.”
  Indi added, “I now know that you truly can survive (幸存) a lot more embarrassment than you think.”
1.The family decided to have a talent show because     .  
A.they wanted to show thanks to donators
B.they would like to make the neighborhood happy
C.they planned to run a bigger store in San Francisco
D.they hoped more people could care about the food bank
2.Which of the following is the best to fill in “  ” in the passage?  
A.but there is no way. B.what if we do it alone?
C.let’s get the word out. D.why not sing a song?
3.The underlined word “heart-racing” means “    ” in Chinese.  
A.心率  B.心房 
C.心跳加速  D.心动 
4.The changing of the writer’s feelings to the performance can be described as     . 
5.What will most probably happen in the following part of the passage? 
A.More people came to know about the food bank.
B.Mareya came and continued the performance.
C.Fewer people donated because of the performance.
D.Indi and Mareya went to other places for donation.
1.D 推理判断题。根据文中“Maybe it’s time to think of a way to remind people about the food bank”可推知,这一家人决定组织一场才艺秀是因为他们希望更多的人关注食物库。故选D。
2.C 推理判断题。根据文中“So while my parents posted information online, we kids made some signs.”可知,他们想把组织才艺表演的消息发布出去。故选C。
3.C 词义猜测题。根据同句中的词“sick”“hot-faced”及后文中的“I want to disappear! I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life,”可判断,这里在描述作者由于表演时很紧张而出现的心跳加快,面红耳赤等窘况。故选C。
4.B 细节理解题。根据文中“Mareya and I practiced and practiced, and I was feeling pretty good about our act.”可知一开始作者是充满自信的;根据文中“There’s no way I’m going on without you”可知,作者是紧张不安的;根据文中“my song was completely in a mess. And I even forgot half the words.”可知,作者是感到尴尬的;根据文中“Once I was off the steps, my mom gave me a big hug.”及“I think you are really brave.”等可知,家人及朋友给了作者很大鼓励。故选B。
5.A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者所做的一切都是为了号召大家关注食物库,故可推断通过大家的努力一定会有更多的人了解食物库。故选A。

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