Hollywood movie: La La Land《爱乐之城》, a new musical by US DIRECTOR Damien Chazelle

Hollywood movie: La La Land《爱乐之城》, a new musical by US DIRECTOR Damien Chazelle
Dates: June 20-June 30
Mon.-Fri.: 11:00a.m., 3:00p.m, 7:30p.m.
Sat.-Sun. : 9:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m., 8:30 p.m.
Place: New Century Cinema
Ticket Prices: Adults: 60yuan; 50 yuan for a member
           Students: 30 yuan; 20yuan for member
           Children under 1.3 meters: free
Notice: Enjoyed by Age 4 and up
36. What kind of movie is this?
A. A comedy     B. An opera     C. A program     D. A musical
37. How long does the movie last for?
A. 11 days     B. 12 days    C. 7days     D. 5days
38. On Friday, you can watch the movie at __________.
A. 9:00 a.m.       B. 2:00 p.m.     C. 7:30p.m     D. 10:30 p.m
39. Who will not be allowed in the cinema?
A. A 3-year-old boy     B. A 6-year-old girl     
C. A 20-year-old girl    D. A 50-year-old man
40. If Mr. Green, his wife and their son (he is 1.2 meters tall) are members of the cinema, they should pay ____ to see the movie.
A. 120yuan    B. 100yuan    C. 130yuan    D. 80yuan
题材:应用文 话题16:音乐与舞蹈 词数:67
答案】36~40 DACAB
36.D细节理解题 由文中的a new musical by US DIRECTOR Damien Chazelle可知选D。
37.A细节理解题 由文中的Dates: June 20-June 30可算出是11天,故选A。
38.C细节理解题 由文中的Mon.-Fri.: 11:00a.m., 3:00p.m, 7:30p.m.可知:在下午3点和7点之间,故选C。
39.A细节理解题 由文中的Notice: Enjoyed by Age 4 and up可推知:3岁的孩子不可以,故选A。
40.B数字计算题 由Adults: 60yuan; 50 yuan for a member可知:影院会员50元;Children under 1.3 meters: free 1.3米以下的免费,故格林先生和他妻子共计支付100元,故选B。

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