Fred got a job easily in a school because of his __________as a part-time teacher.

1. [2018年 衡阳中考] Hiking(徒步旅行)is an excellent __________ of exercise for burning calories and increasing your heart system.
A. way     B. grade   C. diet
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意: A.道路,途径,方法;B.年级,等级,分数; C.日常饮食。句意为徒步旅行是一种很好的燃烧卡路里和增强心脏系统的锻炼方法。可知空白处填way最合适, 故选A。
2. [2018新乡模拟]---There are many different __________of clouds in the sky.
---Yeah. Look at that one! It's like a big cat.
A. sizes                  B. shapes               C. colors                 D. styles
【解析】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:天空中有许多不同形状的云。size意为:大小,尺寸;shape意为:形状;color意为:颜色;style意为:风格,样式。
3. [2018年 泰州中考] About how to achieve a balance between hobbies and schoolwork, Justin asked me for my __________.
A. position              B. attention             C. suggestion            D. introduction
4. [2018年 平顶山一模]---Could you read the French __________on the medicine bottle for me?
---Sure, let me try.
A. meanings              B. pictures              C. instructions         D. documentaries
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:你能给我读一下药瓶上的法语说明吗? meanings意为:意义,意思;picture意为:图片;instruction意为:说明,指令;documentaries意为:纪录片。
5. [2018年 徐州中考改编] If you don't feel well, you'd better ask a __________for help.
A. policeman              B. driver                C. pilot                 D. doctor
6. [2018年 重庆B卷中考] ---How far is it from Chongqing to Guiyang?
---It's about two __________ride by high-speed train.  
A. hour                  B. hour's                C. hours                 D. hours'
【解析】考查名词所有格的构成及运用。句意:从重庆到贵阳有多远? 坐高铁大约两个小时。two后常跟名词的复数,hour后应该加s;根据句意可知,两个小时的路程,需用名词所有格。
7. [2018年 安顺中考] ---Excuse me! Is this __________new house?
---Yes, it's __________. The parents of them bought it last September.
A. Lucy and Lily's; theirs B. Lucy's and Lily's; them   C. Lucy's and Lily's; theirs D. Lucy and Lily's; them
【解析】考查名词所有格的构成及代词的用法。句意:请问,这是露西和莉莉的新房子吗? house为单数,说明Lucy与Lily共用一间房屋,需在最后一个人Lily后加“s”;下句中it代指房屋,与Lucy与Lily的关系不是等同关系,而是所有关系,所以,不能选择人称代词them,而要选择名词性物主代词theirs。
8. [2018郑州二测] Fred got a job easily in a school because of his __________as a part-time teacher.  
A. knowledge               B. condition            C. experience            D. example
9. [2018年 洛阳二模]---Winnie, I hear you want to be a teacher.
---That's right. Staying with kids can bring me a lot of __________and I love kids.
A. pressure              B. pleasure               C. pain                  D. pity
10. [2018年 安阳期末]---Do you have to take an art lesson on Saturday?
---Yes, I have no __________. I don't want my parents to be angry.
A. idea                   B. cause                  C. reason                D. choice
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