The motorbike was out of __________and hit the little girl.

1. [湖南邵阳模拟试题一] ---Would you like something to drink?
---Yes, _____________, please.
A. some bread           B. some cakes            C. some coffee
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意: 你想要些喝的吗? 是的,请给我一些咖啡。some bread一些面包;some cakes一些蛋糕;some coffee一些咖啡;根据something to drink可知,A要喝的东西,故选C
2. [江苏宜兴周铁学区 九年级月考试题] My grandpa knows the history and medical _________of many plants.
A. wealth              B. price                   C. value                   D. cost
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我爷爷知道许多植物的历史和要用价值。A. wealth财富;B. price价格;C. value价值;D. cost费用。根据句意,结合选项,可知C选项符合题意,故答案选C。
3. [江苏盐城运河中学 中考模拟试题] ---Excuse me, haven’t you learned the _______rules?
---Drivers can’t go when the light is yellow. Sorry, we won’t do that again.
A. traffic           B. food                C. medicine                 D. education
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:打扰一下,你没学会交通规则吗?黄灯时司机不能走。对不起,我不会在那样做了。A. traffic交通;B. food食物;C. medicine 药;D. education教育。根据下文Drivers can’t go when the light is yellow .可知上文是说交通。根据题意,故选A。
4. [黑龙江大庆市十九中 初三开学检测题] ---Hello, Tom, they are ______ parents.
---Oh, I see. The girls are twins.
A. Lucy and Lily’s         B. Lucy’s and Lily’s       C. Lucy’s and Lily         D. Lucy and Lily
【解析】考查名词所有格的构成与运用。句意:你好, 汤姆, 这是是露西和莉莉的父母。我知道,她们是双胞胎。名词所有格中,两个人共同拥有某人(物)时,只需要在第二个人名后加 's,故选A
5. [武汉江夏区 九年级月考试题] ---We are in _________ with several other companies for that contract (合同).
---I believe your company surely wins it.
A. competition             B. contest                 C. game                  D. match
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们正与其他几家公司竞争该合同。我相信你们公司一定会赢。A竞争;B 联系 ;C游戏; D比赛。根据句意可知,此空是竞争的意思,此空故用competition,故选A。
6. [安徽涡阳 模拟测试题]---Where's mum, Mary?
---She left a______ saying that she went shopping.
A. information            B. suggestion              C. sentence               D. message
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:玛丽,妈妈在哪里? 她留下一个口信说她去购物. 考查名词辨析。information信息,不可数名词;suggestion建议;sentence句子;D. message口信。分析句子,结合选项, 推测意思是玛丽,妈妈在哪里? 她留下了一个口信说她去购物. 前面是单数a, 后接可数名词单数.  故选D.
7. [江苏无锡天一实验 九年级月考试题] Judy thought the vase was of little ________, so she sold it at only $15.
A. money                 B. value                 C. cost                     D. price
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:朱迪认为那个花瓶不值钱,所以她只卖了15美元。money钱,value价值,cost成本,price价格。be of little value价值不大,be of little price不值钱。根据so she sold it at only $15可知她只卖了15美元,因此它不值钱,故选D。
8. [黑龙江海林朝鲜族中学 中考模拟试题]---What do you want to be in the future?
---I’m good at writing __________, so I want to be a writer.
A. fiction               B. decision              C. example
【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在未来你想要成为什么?我擅长写小说。所以我想要成为一名作家。A.小说;B.决定;C.例子。根据so I want to be a writer可知,想成为作家,所以“擅长写小说”,故选A。
9. [江苏泗阳实验中学 九年级阶段性检测题] The motorbike was out of __________and hit the little girl.
A. danger                 B. breath                  C. control              D. practice
【解析】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:摩托车失控了,撞到了小女孩。 out of danger脱离危险;out of breath喘不过气来;out of control失去控制;out of practice久不练习;根据后半句hit the little girl.可知是摩托车失控了,故选:C。
10. [辽宁辽阳灯塔二中 期中测试题] ---Keep your ________ down. The baby is sleep!
---Sorry for that.
A. sound                 B. noise                  C. voice                 D. whisper
【解析】 近义名词词义辨析。句意:小声点。宝宝睡着了! voice专指人的声音;noise意为:噪音;sound泛指自然界的声音;whisper意为:耳语(声);轻柔的声音。
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