AI(人工智能)makes our lives easier and better. Let’s see the amazing AI.

(二十八)【2019 • 广西北部湾经济区】
    AI(人工智能)makes our lives easier and better. Let’s see the amazing AI.
Cool driverless bus
A bus door opens and you get on. Wait, where is the driver? Here is a new kind of driverless bus called Apolong.
  It can seat 14 people and doesn’t need a driver. The bus follows traffic rules. It stops every time it sees a stop light.
Your close friend
  Hi, everyone. I’m Xiaoice, a chatbot(聊天机
器人). I speak like a 17-year-old-girl. If you feel lonely, you can talk with me. I’m good at singing, writing poems and telling stories. I want to be your friend!
World’s first AI anchor
Hey, look! The famous Chinese anchor(主播) Qiu Hao is reporting the news for us. But, is "he" really Qiu Hao? The answer is "no". This is the world’s first AI anchor.
It looks and speaks just like a real person. It speaks both Chinese and English. It can work 24 hours without any mistakes. The AI anchor joins Inhuman reporting team. You might see it on TV soon.
Popular AI artist
This beautiful painting was at an auction(拍卖) in 2018. It sold for about 3,000,000 yuan! But it is not a work by a famous painter, such as Vincent van Gogh. It was painted by an AI artist. Three Frenchmen created the AI.
The AI artist studied over 15,000 paintings. In this way, it learned to paint. Now it is among the most popular artists in the world.
31. The fact about Apolong is that _________.
A. There is a driver in it B. the door is opened by the passenger
C. there are 24 seats in it D. it stops every time it sees a stop light
32. Xiaoice CAN’T _________.
A. go out to play with you B. talk with you if you feel lonely
C. be your friend D. sing, write poems or tell stories
33. The painting is _________.
A. a work painted by Vincent Van Gogh
B. worth about 3,000,000 yuan at an auction
C. studied by three French artists over 15,000 times
D. among the most beautiful paintings in the world
34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Xianice is a 17-year-old girl.
B. The AI anchor can only speak English.
C. The AI anchor can work 24 hours without mistakes.
D. The AI artist is one of the most popular artists in China.
35. We can probably see the passage in _________.
A. a guidebook B. a notice C. a novel D. a newspaper
31. D【解析】细节理解题。根据Cool driverless bus中的信息The bus follows traffic rules. It stops every time it sees a stop light.可知,阿波罗的实际情况是它遵守交通规则,每次看到红灯就会停下来,故答案选D。
32. A【解析】细节理解题。根据Your close friend中的信息If you feel lonely, you can talk with me. I’m good at singing, writing poems and telling stories. I want to be your friend!可知,Xiaoice当你感到孤独时,可以和你聊天;擅长唱歌、写诗、讲故事;还可以和你成为朋友;所以B、C、D选项都可以,但A选项"可以和你一起出去"文中并没有提到,故答案选A。
33. B【解析】细节理解题。根据Popular AI artist中的信息This beautiful painting was at an auction(拍卖) in 2018. It sold for about 3,000,000 yuan!可知,这幅美丽的画在2018年的一次拍卖会上。它卖了大约300万元!结合选项可知B选项"这幅画在一次拍卖会上价值约300万元。"符合题意,故答案选B。
34. C【解析】理解判断题。根据World’s first AI anchor中的信息It can work 24 hours without any mistakes.可知,人工智能主播可以24小时不出错,所以C选项符合题意,故答案选C。
35. A【解析】文章来源题。通读全文可知,文章向我们介绍了一些人工智能在生活中的应用,其中有无人驾驶汽车,聊天机器人,人工智能主播机器人,人工智能艺术家机器人。结合选项A. a guidebook一本旅行指南;B. a notice一个通知;C. a novel一本小说;D. a newspaper一份报纸。可知本文可能来自于一本旅行指南,所以A选项符合题意,故答案选A。
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