Amalie Emmy Noether was born in Germany in 1882-an environment in which a female could hardly find a

Amalie Emmy Noether was born in Germany in 1882-an environment in which a female could hardly find a chance to success.Noether __1__(initial)went through the traditional educational route for women:she finished school,and became__2__(qualify) to teach English and French.But she soon found her passions in math.
__3__(obtain)higher­level math education,Noether applied to join a university.Unfortunately, German universities did not accept female students,so Noether was only allowed to audit(旁听)classes.However,she did so well in the exams __4__she was allowed to graduate from the university.She experienced similar discrimination when __5__(apply)for a job.In fact,she had to accept  __6__position without being paid at the University of Gottingen and wrote lectures under a man's name!
Noether struggled and __7__(success)to find a place in the field of mathematics.What's more,Noether began studying physics, __8__led to her greatest __9__(discover)of Noether's Theory and changed the face of physics.
Over the past few years,Noether's work __10__(get)the recognition it deserves;she was honored with a Google doodle on her 133rd birthday,March 23,2015.
Amalie Emmy Noether是德国女数学家。本文是她的一篇简介。
1.initially 考查副词。用副词修饰谓语动词部分went through。故填initially。
2.qualified 考查形容词。在系动词become后面要跟形容词作表语。qualified是形容词,意思是“合格的;有资格的”。故填qualified。
3.To obtain 考查非谓语。此处用动词不定式作目的状语。表示“为了获取更高一级的数学教育”。故填To obtain。
4.that 考查连词。本句运用了“so...that...”句式,that引导结果状语从句。故填that。
5.applying 考查非谓语。本句运用了状语从句的省略,when后面省去了she was。故填applying。
6.a 考查冠词。此处指“接受了一份职位”。故填a。
7.succeeded 考查时态。根据and之前的struggled可知,此处也用一般过去时态。故填succeeded。
8.which 考查连词。此处运用了非限制性定语从句,引导词which指代主句“Noether began studying physics”。故填which。
9.discovery 考查名词。在形容词后面跟名词,此处指“Noether's Theory的发现”。故填discovery。
10.has been getting/has got 考查时态。根据时间状语“over the past few years”可知,本句用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。故填has been getting/has got。
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