Music is often targeted at teenagers. Because teenagers go through big changes and start making life

第二节(共5小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
  根据短文内容,  从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,  选项中有两项为多余选项。
Music is often targeted at teenagers. Because teenagers go through big changes and start making life-affecting decisions in their teens,  people naturally wonder what effects music has on teenagers. Does it lead to violence?  Help test scores?  Teach them valuable lessons?  36  
Music can help students improve academic performance. Studying music involves math and science,  so students often improve in these areas.  37  According to a report,  students who took part in music performance scored 41 points higher in math than those who did not take part in music performance.  
Being a teenager can be rough emotionally. Music is an especially emotional art form covering every type of emotion.  38  As music is a way to express emotions,  many teenagers might try to make their own music,  which can create healthy emotional expression.  
 39  Thus,  listening to music can teach teenagers a lot about their own culture and other cultures. They can learn musical traditions,  musical instruments,  history lessons and more. Plus,  as listening to music is a fun activity,  this can often be a more interesting way to learn about a culture,  rather than simply reading a textbook.  
Music taste and interest can often bring people together,  especially teenagers.  40  As well,  music is often enjoyed at concerts and dance clubs where teenagers often hang out. Typically,  the people attending these concerts and dance clubs already share a common interest,  so a connection can be easily made.  
A. Music is often related with culture.
B. This improvement can benefit them in tests.
C. Music greatly improves teenagers’ learning abilities.
D. While there are negative effects,  there are many positive effects,  too.
E. If they can find a song that matches their mood,  they will feel comfortable.
F. Rap music presents a new vocabulary teenagers won’t learn in an English class.
G. Two teenagers who like the same style of music can easily start up a friendship.
36. 【解析】选B。根据上文提示“它会导致暴力吗? 帮助考试成绩吗? 教他们有价值的课程? ”承接上文, B项 This improvement can benefit them in tests. (这种改进可以使他们在测试中受益。)引出下文。故选B。
37. 【解析】选D。根据下文提示“据一份报告显示, 参加音乐表演的学生数学成绩比不参加音乐表演的学生高41分。”承接下文, D项 While there are negative effects,  there are many positive effects,  too. (虽然有负面影响, 也有很多积极的影响。)切题。故选D。
38. 【解析】选E。上文提示“音乐是一种特殊的情感艺术形式, 涵盖了所有类型的情感。”再根据下文提示“由于音乐是一种表达情感的方式, 许多青少年可能会尝试自己制作音乐, 这可以创造健康的情感表达。”承接上下文, E项If they can find a song that matches their mood,  they will feel comfortable. (如果他们能找到一首符合他们心情的歌曲, 他们会感到很舒服。)切题。故选E。
39. 【解析】选A。下文提示“因此, 听音乐可以教青少年很多关于他们自己的文化和其他文化的东西。”承接下文, A项Music is often related with culture. (音乐常常与文化有关。)切题。故选A。
40. 【解析】选G。上文提示“音乐的品味和兴趣往往能使人们走到一起, 尤其是青少年。”再根据下文提示“此外, 音乐通常是在青少年经常出没的音乐会和舞蹈俱乐部被享受。”承接上下文, G项Two teenagers who like the same style of music can easily start up a friendship. (两个喜欢同一种音乐风格的青少年很容易建立友谊。)切题。故选G。
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