Kristen Sorensen was 55 when she became paralyzed from the neck down. Diagnosed in October 2018 with

Kristen Sorensen was 55 when she became paralyzed from the neck down. Diagnosed in October 2018 with a rare disorder that affects the body's nervous system, she never expected to walk again.
But earlier that year, the Brooks Treatment Center in Florida became the first center to use a unique technology developed in Japan --- the Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL). HAL, essentially a wearable machine, helps those with spinal cord (脊髓的)injuries and muscular diseases regain their movements and strengthen their nerves and muscles. Known as exoskeletons, they're a type of lightweight suit, with joints powered by small electric motors, that serve as mechanical muscle. Patients use their brain waves to control them.
When Sorensen heard about the brain wave-controlled exoskeleton, she knew she had to place an order and give it a try. A trained nurse helped her fit HAL over her waist and trousers, connecting her to sensors that help pick up faint bio-electric signals on the surface of the skin, which communicate a patient's intention to move. Once HAL receives these signals, it helps support the person's movements.
After some training and efforts, Sorensen was able to walk at her daughter's wedding a few months later in December. It's a thought that Sorensen shares. "When I used HAL, there were people who came from all over the country to use the equipment," she says. "I would like this kind of technology to be more readily available and more accessible especially to those who learn slowly."
But it's not just those with disabilities or injuries who stand to benefit. By 2050, there will be more than 2 billion people over age 60, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and exoskeletons could offer a solution to the world's aging population.
In the future, as human bodies wear down with age, an exoskeleton - powered by active minds - could help people stay on their feet. With such huge potential applications available, the global medical exoskeleton market will be worth an estimated $2.8 billion by 2023, according to a research company.
12. What do we know about Kristen?
A. She had much difficulties in walking.
B. She was paralyzed due to an accident.
C. She volunteered in a science experiment.
D. She never gave up the hope to walk again.
13. HAL can be used as              .
A. brain wave B. electrical nerve C. mechanical muscle D. spinal cord
14. What's the right order of how HAL works?
①Persons put on HAL.
②Persons are connected to the sensors.
③HAL helps support the person's motion.
④Persons send out intention to move.
⑤Sensors pick up signals and pass them to HAL.
A. ②①④⑤③ B. ①②③④⑤ C. ②①③④⑤ D. ①②④⑤③
15. We can conclude from the passage that    .
A. HAL can now be used with no difficulty
B. HAL may have a large potential market
C. HAL has been widely used in the world
D. HAL can only help people with disabilities
【答案】12. A    13. C    14. D    15. B
细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Diagnosed in October 2018 with a rare disorder that affects the body's nervous system, she never expected to walk again.( 2018年10月被诊断出一种影响身体神经系统的罕见疾病,她从没有期望能再次站起来走路)”可知,Kristen在走路方面很困难。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“Known as exoskeletons, they're a type of lightweight suit, with joints powered by small electric motors, that serve as mechanical muscle.(它们被称为外骨骼,是一种轻型的套装,关节由小型电动马达驱动,充当机械肌肉)”可知,HAL可以被当作机械肌肉。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“A trained nurse helped her fit HAL over her waist and trousers, connecting her to sensors that help pick up faint bio-electric signals on the surface of the skin, which communicate a patient's intention to move. Once HAL receives these        signals, it helps support the person's movements.”可知,一名训练有素的护士帮她把HAL戴在腰和裤子上,这使她与传感器连接起来,传感器帮助捕捉皮肤表面微弱的生物电信号,传达病人的移动意图。一旦HAL接收到这些信号,它就会辅助支持这个人移动,所以正确排序是①②④⑤③。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“With such huge potential applications available, the global medical exoskeleton market will be worth an estimated $2.8 billion by 2023, according to a research company.(按照一家研究公司的说法,随着这些巨大的潜在应用的出现,到2023年,全球医疗外骨骼市场的价值将达到28亿美元)”可知,HAL可能会有巨大的潜在市场。故选B项。
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