Recently, I have begun to ride with a group of guys who ride professionally. The first day, I finish

Recently, I have begun to ride with a group of guys who ride professionally. The first day, I finished the ride with great  1 , though I tried hard to keep up with one guy for most of the way. To my  2 , I did a little better the second time.  
I decided to work harder to improve. Yesterday, I focused so much on my ride that I 3  the short route I usually take;  4 , I stayed on the long route. I had never used this route, so I wasn't really sure about which  5  I should take. Thankfully, a group of four riders  6 , and I just followed them.  
A few minutes later, one of the guys got a flat  7 , and, with the help of the others, he had it changed in about a minute. After we started riding again, I noticed something  8 . The guy at the front would ride  9  for a couple of minutes, then he would move over to the side,  10  his way to the end of the line, and the guy behind him would move into the lead position. The process would  11  every few minutes. It was a lot easier than riding alone to catch up with the first rider. This time I had a great time and I think it is the fastest I've ever  12 
This made me realize how important teamwork was, and the  13  of having a great team. There's no need to worry about your falling behind others. The entire team  14 , and so do you. You get your time to shine, and so does everyone else. You cannot get anywhere—or even make any worthwhile improvement—without a  15 . Who else will stop and help you to change your flat tire? 
1.A.ambition B.envy C.ease D.difficulty
2.A.annoyance B.delight
C.admiration D.surprise
3.A.adjusted B.found
C.missed D.measured
4.A.instead B.therefore
C.otherwise D.still
5.A.route B.direction C.side D.queue
6.A.cut in through
C.turned up D.ran out
7.A.battery B.stomach
C.shoe D.tire
8.A.illegal B.reliable
C.unusual D.absurd
9.A.quickly B.slowly
C.immediately D.gradually B.making C.losing D.keeping
11.A.change B.respond C.repeat D.adapt
12.A.gone B.walked C.conducted D.flown
13.A.pleasure B.profit C.intention D.value
14.A.conflicts B.improves C.approves D.increases
15.A.leader B.practice D.ride

Ⅱ. 本文是一篇记叙文。作者喜欢上了骑行,通过一次和别人一起组队骑行的亲身经历, 作者认识到了团队合作的重要性。
1.D 句意:第一天,虽然我在大部分的路程中都很努力地去赶上一个人,但我还是费了很大的劲才骑完了全程。ambition野心;envy羡慕;ease容易;difficulty困难。根据下文though I tried hard to keep up with one guy for most of the way和I did a little better the second time可知,第二次作者表现得好了一些,可见作者第一次骑完全程是比较费劲的。故选D项。
2.B 句意:令我高兴的是,第二次我表现得好了一些。annoyance烦恼;delight快乐;admiration钦佩;surprise惊讶。根据下文的did a little better可知,作者因为自己的进步而感到开心。故选B项。
3.C 句意:昨天我太专注于我的骑行,以至于错过了我通常走的那条短的路线;我反而留在了那条长的路线上。adjust调整;find发现;miss错过;measure测量。由于作者骑车太专注,所以没走通常走的那条短路线。故选C项。
4.A 句意同上。instead相反;therefore因此;otherwise否则;still仍然。根据句意可知,上下文构成转折关系,故选A项。
5.B 句意:我从没走过这条路线,所以真的不确定该往哪个方向走。route路线;direction方向;side边;queue队。take a direction意为“抉择方向”。故选B项。
6.C 句意:幸运的是,一组四人的骑手出现了,我只得跟着他们。cut in切断;get through完成;turn up出现;run out用光。根据下文I just followed them可知有人来了,于是作者跟着他们走。故选C项。
7.D 句意:几分钟后,其中一个人的车胎瘪了,在其他人的帮助下,他在大约一分钟内换好了车胎。battery电池;stomach肚子;shoe鞋子;tire轮胎。由后文he had it changed in about a minute及文章末句可知,此处是指车胎没气了。故选D项。
8.C 句意: 我们又开始骑行后,我注意到一些不寻常的事情。illegal非法的;reliable依赖的;unusual不寻常的;absurd荒谬的。根据下文内容可知,作者注意到这个骑行团队的一些不寻常的事情。故选C项。
9.A 句意:前面的人会快速地骑上几分钟,然后他会挪到一边,骑到队伍的最后,(之前)在他后边的人会移到领队的位置。quickly快速地;slowly缓慢地;immediately立刻地;gradually逐渐地。根据下文可知那些骑车的人交替领骑,一个人迅速地骑到前面,过了一会又到了最后,再由另外一个人领骑。故选A项。
10.B 句意同上。make one's way意为“前往,行进”,故选B项。
11.C 句意:这个过程每隔几分钟就会重复一次。change改变;respond回应;repeat重复;adapt适应。根据前文的描述,那些骑车的人交替领骑,这一过程是重复发生的。故选C项。
12.A 句意:这次我玩得很开心,我想这是我骑得最快的一次。go行进;walk走路;conduct指导;fly飞。根据上文可知,这种交换位置的骑法比一个人骑行来赶上第一个骑手更加轻松, 所以这是作者骑行最快的一次。故选A项。
13.D 句意:这让我意识到团队合作的重要性,以及拥有一个伟大团队的重要性。pleasure快乐;profit利润;intention意图;value重要性。根据how important teamwork was可知作者认识到了团队的价值。故选D项。
14.B 句意:整个团队都在进步,你也会跟着进步。conflict冲突;improve提高;approve赞成;increase增加。此处表示团队与个人都在提高,与后文的make any worthwhile improvement呼应。故选B项。
15.C 句意:如果没有团队,你哪也去不了,甚至无法取得任何有价值的进步。leader领导者;practice练习;team队伍;ride骑行。由上文可知,本段说明“团队”的重要性。故选C项。
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