Do we have any control over our happiness? According to scientists, our genes and environment

  • Take time to be kind
  • Be thankful for what they have got
  • Discover the habits of happy people
  • Be interested in modern things
  • Look on the bright side
  • Enjoy the simple things in life
Do we have any control over our happiness? According to scientists, our genes and environment are the factors that account for sixty percent of our happiness. The remaining forty percent, however, is up to us. And it can make all the difference!
Think of it this way. If you had an exam coming up, you wouldn’t expect to achieve good results without the right study habits. In a recent study, scientists asked happy people what their habits were. What did they find out?
It’s easy to get into the habit of negative, focusing only on the bad sides of a situation. Happy people look for the positives. We should do this too! Remember, every cloud has a silver lining.
You may think money is really important for happiness. After all, money can buy us the latest smartphone, oversea holidays, fashionable clothes, and so on. However, these things don’t satisfy us for long. Happy people know how to enjoy simple pleasures, many of which are free, like a laugh between friends or a hike in nature.
Happy people don’t spend time feeling envious of the others because they are smarter or focusing on what they don’t have. You shouldn’t either. Every day you should think about one thing that you’re thankful for.
Think about what you can do for others. You don’t have to do anything big - even small actions can improve someone’s day. And when we do something kind, we get a “helper’s high”. That is, we feel happy too!
If we want to be happy (and who doesn’t?), we should choose gratitude and kindness, and do our best to stay positive. As the poet Helen Steiner Rice says, you have to help yourself to happiness!
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