Have you ever been forgetful ? For example, you left something behind, your 41 , and you have to 42

Have you ever been forgetful ? For example, you left something behind, your 41 , and you have to 42 the entire house before coming back to the 43 place where you started, only to find it in the pencil case.
I am a scatterbrain, who is easy to forget things. I am always 44 my water bottle or other small things. I was feeling rather 45 about it myself until I read a( n) 46 in a book, called Where Good Ideas Come From. The author, Steven Johnson, said, “ The more disorganized your brain is, the 47 you are.n He thinks that a scatterbrain can be 48 as bits of disorganized information floating around, constantly 49 into each other. But it is also 50 for two unrelated ideas to meet giving rise to 51 Actually, a scatterbrain becomes a 52 of creativity and innovations.
Considering that I had the 53 to be the queen of scatterbrains, I was feeling pretty 54 about myself. But I still wonder how I can 55 not to leave my water bottle behind. Then I thought of Sherlock Holmes, who had one thing I had always 56 , an awesome memory. I did some 57  about him and found out that his memory 58 was quite a commonly used one called the Method of Loci (位置).It will 59 “mind palacen to remember geographical places in detail.
If this technique can be applied to 60 , I will manage my life pretty well in the future.
41. A. water B. pencil C. bottle D. book
42. A. purchase B. decorate C. circle D. clean
43. A. safe B. original C. separated D. temporary
44. A. losing B. buying C. selling D. decorating
45. A. stubborn B. clever C. mean D. stupid
46. A. notice B. advertisement C. article D. idiom
47. A. smarter B. prettier C. easier D. simpler
48. A. recorded B. written C. organized D. seen
49. A. making B. moving C. crashing D. changing
50. A. same B. possible C. necessary D. similar
51. A. standards B. creativity C. delight D. illnesses
52. A. source B. result C. drawback D. limitation
53. A. courage B. patience C. potential D. ambition
54. A. depressed B. different C. curious D. proud
55. A. remember B. recall C. forget D. continue
56. A. called on B. longed for C. compared with D. looked into
57. A. exercise B. harm C. assumption D. research
58. A. signal B. effect C. technique D. purpose
59. A. use B. find C. occupy D. control
60. A. space B. memory C. schedule D. practice
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