Shaxian Xiao Chi" , a China's restaurant chain, has become a great success not only in Chi

Shaxian Xiao Chi" , a China's restaurant chain, has become a great success not only in China but also overseas.
36 It presents customers with traditional snacks, such as peanut butter noodles and pork wontons (馄饨).Their recipes originated from more than 1,000 years ago and spread as locals left their hometown.
The chain opened its first restaurant in the United States in October in 2018. 37 , all the dishes on the menu were sold out quickly. So it closed three hours later that day.
The restaurant is located at 818, 60th St. Brooklyn. 38 It receives an order every two minutes during busy hours. In order to create a clean and bright environment, the owner of the Shaxian Xiao Chi" in New York, Shao Binfang, a 34-year-old Chinese American bom in Fuzhou, designed an open kitchen in her restaurant and the customers could see the cooking process entirely. 39 .
The industry development center of the brand claimed that over 10 countries including the United States, Britain, Argentina, Australia and Canada, have shown interest in having the chain. Early this year, the company set up its first overseas chain-eatery at Takadanobaba Station in Tokyo, Japan. 40 .
A. If tourists order the dishes
B. Its business there is booming
C. When the restaurant was open to the public
D. The Shaxian cuisine comes from east China's Fujian Province
E. It is believed that the open kitchen put customers at ease over food safety
F. It is amazing that Shaxian Xiao Chi" can open its chain shop in America
G. The restaurant reportedly made 200,000 yen in just five hours after its opening
36. D 考查主旨句。根据上文提到沙县小吃,下文提到它为顾客提供传统小吃,推测出沙县小吃起源于中国福建最符合题意,故选Do
37. C考查过渡句。根据下文“所有的菜都卖完了”和“开门营业三个小时就关门了”可推测出当餐馆开张的时候最符合题意,故选Co
38. B考查过渡句。根据下文提到在忙碌的时候,每两分钟收到一次订单,可知餐馆生意兴隆,故选Bo
39. E考查细节句。上文提到客人都可以看到做菜的全过程,可推测出店主相信开放式厨房可以让顾客在食品安全方面放心,故选Eo
40. G 考查细节句。根据上文提到今年早些时候,公司在日本东京开了一家沙县小吃连锁店,后面进一步说明开店后的情况是5小时赚了 20万日元,故选Go
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