Wildfires are a thoroughly man-made disaster. Globally, on average, 350 to 450 million hectares (公顷)

Wildfires are a thoroughly man-made disaster. Globally, on average, 350 to 450 million hectares (公顷)were burned by wildfires every year. That's about the size of India. Lots of wildfires are intentional. They are often used to clear-cut land for agriculture. But humans are mostly to blame for accidental fires.
Causes of accidental fires are various. Firecrackers, campfires or something as common as a car pulling onto dry grass. But the major reason is power line. Trees can blow into power lines or power lines can come down in strong winds. Electrical lines and equipment caused 16 of the big fires that killed 44 people and burned a quarter million acres in Northern California in October 2017 and 15 of those 16 specially to power company PG&E.
How do we solve the problem? The best solution is to bury the power lines underground, but that is a huge project, and no one is jumping at the chance to pay for it. Who is responsible for it, government or private users? It becomes a little confused.
People are thinking of several ways to fight back against wildfires. Bury power lines, build firebreaks into communities, or do more controlled bums. But Mike Flannigan, a wildfire expert at the University of Alberta in Canada, thinks that sometimes we do well to take the humans out of the wild entirely. Every human-caused fire is preventable. If we keep the people out of the forest and wildlands, then there are no human-caused fires. Forest closures work, which is not popular, but it could save a lot of grief at times. In other words, if humans cause most fires, then this is a problem with a solution.
Humans need a bloody nose or two before we change our behavior, and we have had quite a few bloody noses, so it is time to start changing our behavior.
32. What will mainly bring about the accidental fires?
A. People play firecrackers. B. Cars pull onto dry grass.
C. People go camping in the wild. D. Electrical lines come down and spark.
33. Why is it hard to bury the power lines underground?
A. No one is willing to pay for the cost.
B. Private users are short of cash to pay for the cost.
C. Burying the power lines underground threatens wildlife.
D. Power company PG&E cannot afford the loss of wildfires.
34. Whafs Mike Flannigan^ advice on dealing with wildfires?
A. Bury power lines underground. B. Forbid people to go into wildlands.
C. Keep an eye on power lines. D. Build firebreaks into communities.
35. What is the text mainly about?
A. Wildfires are bound to happen.
B. A wildfire expert predicts the future of human being.
C. Analyzing causes of wildfires and ways of prevention.
D. Discussion of who is to blame for accidental fires in California.

【语篇导读】说明文。本文介绍人类造成的火灾事故多有发生,并分析造成火灾的原因 和解决该问题的办法。
32. D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“But the major reason is powerline.”内容可知引发意外火灾的主要原因是电缆。故选Do
33. A 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“The best solution is to bury the power lines underground,but that is a huge project, and no one is jumping at the chance to pay for it内容可知把电 线埋在地下是一项巨大的工程,政府和电力公司都不愿意出钱,所以这个问题很难解决。 故选Ao
34. B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第五句“If we keep the people out of the forest and wildlands,then there are no human-caused fires.”可知作者认为不让人们进入森林和野外就能避免 人类造成的火灾,故选Bo
35. C主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知人类造成很多火灾,作者分析造成火灾的原因和解决该
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