How to Create Trust in a Relationship Trust in a relationship leads to feelings of connectedness and

How to Create Trust in a Relationship
   Trust in a relationship leads to feelings of connectedness and safety. It is built on one person understanding the other, being honest and making a sincere effort to keep the relationship strong.
1.__C__ By matching your actions to your words,you will create more trust in a relationship.If you are all talk and have no action, the other person will begin to lose faith in you and not believe you when you say you are going to do something.Your words must go with your actions.
Keep the other person informed. Open communication builds trust. 2. __G__ Making him guess what you want does not create trust—it creates confusion,false assumptions(假定)and misunderstandings.Be open with each other and include one another in your plans and decision­making.
Stop thinking about the past and live in the present.When you keep records of what the other did in the past that upset you, you will never be able to move forward and have a trusting and healthy relationship.Trust is earned, and it works both ways.3. __E__ If you are unable to do this, trust will never be achieved, and the relationship will suffer.
4.__A__ You may have fallen into a pattern of lying to cover up your wrongdoing. Continuing on this path will come to no good.When asked a question, be as truthful in your answer as you can.The truth may or may not meet with your partner’s approval, but this is necessary in order to rebuild trust in your relationship.
Work on creating trust with one another at all times.5. __D__ Consider it your job to be open and trustworthy and work on it. The more time you give the relationship, the more opportunities you will have to show your trust and honesty.Be mindful of each other’s efforts to be honest, and trust will build over time.
A.Tell the truth.
B.Ask questions.
C.Do what you say you are going to do.
D.It does not happen overnight and takes time.
E.Be willing to forgive each other and move on.
F.Without trust in your relationship, failure is sure to follow.
G.Let the other person know how you feel and what you are thinking.


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