Most people think sleepwalkers (梦游者) walking around at night. But in fact, not all sleepwalkers walk

Passage 34【2020 •丹东市】
Most people think sleepwalkers (梦游者) walking around at night. But in fact, not all sleepwalkers walk. Some only sit up or get out of bed or act like how they often do during the day when they are sleeping! But most sleep walkers do get up and go around for a few seconds or half an hour.
Sleepwalkers' eyes are open, but they don't see the same way as they do during the day, and they often think they are in different rooms of the house or different places. Sleepwalkers usually go back to bed themselves and they don't remember it in the morning.
Scientists say that sleepwalking may sometimes happen when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting enough sleep, or he has much stress.
There's no medicine for sleepwalking, but here are some ideas from doctors to help sleepwalkers:
·Relax at bedtime by listening to quiet music.
·Go to bed at the same time every day.
·Keep everything quiet when you are trying to sleep.
·Don't drink a lot in the evening and be sure you go to the washroom before going to bed.
Remember: don't shout to sleepwalkers when they're sleeping, or they can get confused (迷惑的) and scared.
41. When sleepwalkers are sleeping, ________.
A. all of them only sit up B. all of them get out of bed
C. most of them walk the whole night D. some of them act like how they do during the day
42. When sleepwalkers go around at night, they can't ________.
A. see B. remember C. walk D. think
43. The third paragraph (自然段) mainly tells us ________ at night.
A. what sleepwalkers do B. how sleepwalkers act
C. why sleepwalking happens D. where sleepwalkers go
44. Sleepwalkers should ________.
A. take the medicine on time B. follow the doctors' instructions
C. try to sleep early D. keep calm all the times
45. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. People who sleepwalk are easily scared during the day.
B. Sleepwalkers can't find the way to their beds.
C. Sleepwalkers should drink much before sleeping.
D. Sleepwalkers should listen to quiet music at bedtime.
41.D【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“not all sleepwalkers walk. Some only sit up or get out of bed or act like how they often do during the day when they are sleeping! But most sleep walkers do get up and go around for a few seconds or half an hour”可知一些人坐起来或者下床或者像白天经常做的那样行动,故选D。
42.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“they don't see the same way as they do during the day, and they often think they are in different rooms of the house or different places. Sleepwalkers usually go back to bed themselves and they don't remember it in the morning”当梦游者晚上四处走动,他们早上记不得晚上发生的这些事情。故选B。
43.C【解析】段落大意题。根据“Scientists say that sleepwalking may sometimes happen when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting enough sleep, or he has much stress.”可知第三段主要讲的是梦游发生的原因,有生病,发烧,睡眠不足和压力过大。故选C。
44.B【解析】细节理解题。根据“There's no medicine for sleepwalking” “Go to bed at the same time every day”“ here are some ideas from doctors to help sleepwalkers”“ Remember: don't shout to sleepwalkers when they're sleeping”可知梦游者没有特定的药品,每天要在相同的时间睡觉,当梦游者睡觉时别人不能向他们大叫,医生的一些建议对梦游者是有帮助的。故选B。
45.D【解析】推理判断题。根据“Remember: don't shout to sleepwalkers when they're sleeping, or they can get confused  and scared. ”可知A选项“ during the day”表述错误。根据“Sleepwalkers usually go back to bed themselves”可知B选项“can't find the way to their beds”表述错误。根据“Don't drink a lot in the evening”可知C选项“should drink much”表述错误。根据“Relax at bedtime by listening to quiet music”可知D选项表述正确。故选D。
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