In early December,。new set of rules governing behavior inside Shanghai's subway came ffect, for

In early December,。new set of rules governing behavior inside Shanghai's subway came ffect, forbidding listening to electronic devices without earphones inside subway coaches.
This was long called for. Subway cars are public spaces where nobody should annoy others. However, in reality there are many who play their music or movies without the aid of earphones, disturbing co-passengers. Even if the music and movies are not loud enough, the disturbing elements also scream with joy or laughter in reaction, and they are indifferent to how it affects others inside the coaches.
In the absence of clear rules forbidding such behavior inside the coaches, there was nobody the disturbed passengers could turn to for assistance. Even if they had complained, the authorities inside the subway would have said they were not empowered(授权)to help them. However, noise inside a subway cannot be a personal matter. A person has no right to impose his movie or music on others in the shared space. Every passenger has the right to be undisturbed by any movie or music that other passengers arc enjoying.
Thanks to the new rules. those taking a subway cmi now complain to staff members about smartphone noises. That the news about new subway rules was read by nearly 300 million times on the micro blog is the biggest evidence of l)ow people are happy and are looking forward to die absence of noise in the public space.
The new rules also forbid people from eating or drinking inside subway coaches, which, too, is a welcome change, as sometimes die food is smelly and lets off an unpleasant smell that can cause discomfort to fellow passengers. The new rules will help create a better environment for everyone inside the subway coaches.
The only drawback with the new rules is that it does not give specific punitive(处罚的)For example t there is no listed punishment such as fines or warnings for those disobeying the rules. Maybe the subway staff members will have to be artful and persuasive while carrying out the new rales.
32. Which can be allowed in subway cars according to the new rules?
A. Playing music in a loud voice.
B. Eating or drinking something tasty.
C. Listening to songs using earphones.
D. Watching movies without using earphones.
33. What is most of the public's attitude to the new subway rules?
A. Indifferent.    B. Annoyed.
C. Supportive.    D. Critical.
34. What can we learn about the new rules?
A. They still need to be further improved.
B. They can help protect the environment.
C. They seem not to meet the passengers' demands.
D. They offer detailed punishment for improper behaviors.
35. What does the author probably agree with?
A. The subway staff ought to be stricter
B. The new rules have many disadvantages. /
C. Complaining to staff members is unwise.
D. Carrying out the new rules is challenging.

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