Learning Is a Learned Behavior Many people mistakenly believe that learning is an unchangeable trait

第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Learning Is a Learned Behavior
Many people mistakenly believe that learning is an unchangeable trait like eye color, simply luck of the genetic draw. ''People are born learners, or they're not." ___16___ Here are three practical ways to build your learning skills, based on research.
Organize your goals
Effective learning often boils down to a type of project management. In order to develop an area of expertise, we first have to set achievable goals about what we want to learn. Then we have to develop strategies to help us reach those goals. A targeted approach to learning helps us cope with all the self-carping (自我挑剔)feelings associated with gaining skills: Am I good enough? Will I fail? What if I'm wrong? ___17___ While some self-carping is normal, these sorts of negative emotions can quickly rob us of our ability to learn something new.
Think about thinking
Metacognition (元认知)is crucial to the talent of learning. Psychologists define metacognition as "thinking about thinking", and broadly speaking, metacognition is about being more inspective about how you know what you know. It's a matter of asking ourselves questions like: Do I really get this idea? Could I explain it to a friend? Or do I need more practice? When it comes to learning, one of the biggest issues is not that something goes in one ear and out the other. ___18___
Reflect on your learning
There is something of a contradiction in learning. Get into a discussion with a classmate, for instance, and often your best arguments arrive while you're washing the dishes later. In short, learning benefits from reflection. ___19___ Sleep is a fascinating example of this idea. It's possible that we tidy up our knowledge while we're napping or sleeping deeply. One recent study shows a good evening of shut-eye can reduce practice time by 50%.
Being a quick study doesn't mean you're the smartest person in the room. ___20___, thinking about your thinking, and reflecting on your learning at proper times, you can become a better study, too.
A. Is there any truth in these rumors?
B. By becoming the first to sail round the world
C. By deliberately organizing your learning goals
D. Isn't there something else that I'd rather be doing?
E. This type of reflection requires a moment of calm.
F. A growing body of research is making it clear that learners are made, not born.
G. The issue is that individuals don't push themselves to really think about their thinking.
【答案】16. F    17. D    18. G    19. E    20. C
根据前文“People are born learners, or they're not.” 人是天生的学习者,或者不是。根据后文“Here are three practical ways to build your learning skills, based on research.” 根据研究,这里有三种培养你学习技能的实用方法。选项承上启下。故F选项“越来越多的研究表明,学习者不是天生的,而是后天培养的。”切题。故选F项。
根据上文“Am I good enough? Will I fail? What if I'm wrong?” 我足够好吗?我会失败吗?如果我错了呢? 选项与上文为并列关系,都表示对自己的自责的疑问。故D选项“难道就没有其他我想做的事吗?”切题。故选D项。
根据上文“When it comes to learning, one of the biggest issues is not that something goes in one ear and out the other.”说到学习,最大的问题之一并不是一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出。选项承接上文。故G选项“问题是,每个人都不强迫自己去真正思考自己的想法。”切题。故选G项。
根据上文“In short, learning benefits from reflection.” 简言之,学习得益于反思。选项承接上文。故E选项“这种思考需要片刻的冷静”切题。故选E项。
根据下文“thinking about your thinking, and reflecting on your learning at proper times, you can become a better study, too.” 思考你的想法,在适当的时候反思你的学习,你也可以成为一个更好的学习者。选项承接下文。故C选项“有意识地组织你的学习目标”切题。故选C项。
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