I reached into my backpack, feeling for my cellphone. I was tired of Aunt Letty talking on and on

I reached into my backpack, feeling for my cellphone. I was tired of Aunt Letty talking on and on about her chickens, horses and cows. Worse, I was afraid of having to spend spring break at her farm.
In spite of my protest, my parents decided that spending time at the farm would be a great experience for me. My parents both grew up on farms and believed that responsibility, hard work and respect for the land were valuable lessons. “Lessons you need to learn, son,” they said.
“So, have you ever ridden a horse?” Aunt Letty asked, trying to turn my attention away from my phone.
“Hmmm, no. But I’ve seen horses on TV,” I answered, absent-minded.
“Well, we’ve got a nice horse I think you’ll like. Hercules — sounds like a beast, but he’s a gentle giant. The other animals have names too, but don’t worry, you won’t have to remember their names. If you show up at the gate with feed, they’re happy!” she said smiling.
I glanced at my aunt, angry that I was expected to work. Vacations were meant for sleeping late, playing video games, and maybe skateboarding. I tried to text a friend.
“Phones don’t work well out here. With all the hills and valleys, it’s hard to get a connection.”
I continued texting, but she was right — there was no cell reception.
The next few days were busy. We had breakfast before dawn. Then we went out to the barn to get the feed while the animals waited to be fed. The afternoons were occupied with hauling hay, clean-up, and caring for the animals. The animals depended on Aunt Letty, but they also provided her with affection and necessities such as eggs, milk and cheese.
At dusk, when the farm was finally quiet, Aunt Letty stretched her arms out and said, “Just take a deep breath of the sweet country air!” I, exhausted, was unable to appreciate my work.
On the fourth day, Aunt Letty announced, “It’s time to meet Hercules.”
After the ride, time at the farm seemed to be different.
【答案】Para 1:
On the fourth day, Aunt Letty announced, “It’s time to meet Hercules.” “You must be joking!” I responded, a flush of fright sweeping over me. Aunt Letty, grinning, headed to the stable. Then in front of me was Hercules, standing over 2 meters high. A horrible dark giant! I backed away, shooting an angry glance at my aunt. “Oh, man, come on! He’s anything but a beast!” she encouraged me. Sensing her insistence, I scratched my head and shuffled to Hercules. Aunt Letty helped me mount the horse and handed me the rein. Flicking his head and shaking his body, Hercules moved off, with a stiff me on it. "Relax!" Aunt said, trotting just beside us. Gradually, I adjusted myself, following Aunt’s instructions. And then, I was enjoying the gentle rhythmic jolts.
Para 2:
After the ride, time at the farm seemed to be different. I had a friend, Hercules. The gentle giant, every evening, immersed in the setting sun, gracefully carried me strolling or galloping at the farm. And I had Aunt Letty. She, from dawn to dusk, tirelessly, cared for the animals and did the manual work, showing me responsibility, hard work and respect. And she did enjoy the busy and seemingly boring routine. Infected, I also began to appreciate my labor. It paid to work hard! Life was fulfilling and the animals rewarded us with affection and nice food. One day after enjoying some tasty cheese my dear aunt made, I picked up the phone, prepared to tell my parents the spring break would be a great experience.
开玩笑:joke/ kid
回答:respond / reply
照顾:care for/look after
温柔:gentle / soft
愤怒:angry /mad
[高分句型1] I backed away, shooting an angry glance at my aunt. (运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] One day after enjoying some tasty cheese my dear aunt made, I picked up the phone, prepared to tell my parents the spring break would be a great experience. (运用了动名词作宾语)
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