[2019年 甘肃兰州中考] We gave away __________ books to the school library last year.

经典例题6】On July 2nd this year, ______ people celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival near the Songhua River. To our joy, there was little rubbish left.
A. thousands of          B. thousand         C. two thousand
经典例题7】[2019年 甘肃兰州中考] We gave away __________ books to the school library last year.
A. six thousands      B. six thousand        C. six thousands of       D. six thousand of
5. 基数词+单位名词(+形容词)所构成的复合形容词的用法
“基数词+单位名词(+形容词)”相当于复合形容词,用于修饰名词作定语时,名词用单数,且各部分之间加连字符“─”,例如:He is an eight-year-old boy;“基数词+单位名词(+形容词)”作表语时,不受上述限制。
此结构也可用于其他意思的表达,如; a ten-meter-wide river;  It’s a five-minute walk from the school to the library.
经典例题8】[2019年 绥化中考] This is a ________ (40页的) magazine.
【答案】 40-page/forty-page    
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