You only have one pair of eyes, so take care of them. When you're in the sun, wear sunglasses.

Passage 34(2020 •湖南省张家界市)
You only have one pair of eyes, so take care of them. When you're in the sun, wear sunglasses. Sunshine can damage your eyes. When your eyes itch or hurt, don't rub them. Your fingers have germs on them. These can get into your eyes and make you sick. Staring at a computer screen can strain your eyes. You blink (眨眼) your eyes 10 times every minute. But when you stare at something, you only blink two or three times per minute. So remember to blink more. This helps your eyes.
31. Why should we take care of our eyes?
32. When you're in the sun, what can you wear?
33. Why shouldn't you rub your eyes when they itch or hurt?
34. How can you protect your eyes when you stare at a computer screen?
35. What does the writer want to tell us?
31. Because we only have one pair of eyes.【解析】根据文中You only have one pair of eyes, so take care of them.可知,因为我们只有一双眼睛,所以要照顾好它们。故答案为Because we only have one pair of eyes.
32. We can wear sunglasses. 【解析】根据文中When you’re in the sun, wear sunglasses.可知,当在阳光下时,要戴上太阳镜。故答案为We can wear sunglasses.
33. Because our fingers have germs which can get into our eyes and make us sick. 【解析】根据文中When your eyes itch or hurt, don’t rub them. Your fingers have germs on them. These can get into your eyes and make you sick.可知,当你的眼睛痒或疼时,不要揉眼睛。你的手指上有细菌。这些会进入你的眼睛,让你生病。故答案为Because our fingers have germs which can get into our eyes and make us sick.
34. Blink your eyes more. 【解析】根据文中Staring at a computer screen can strain your eyes. You blink (眨眼) your eyes 10 times every minute. But when you stare at something, you only blink two or three times per minute. So remember to blink more. This helps your eyes.可知,盯着电脑屏幕会使你的眼睛疲劳。你每分钟眨10次眼睛。但是当你盯着什么东西看的时候,你每分钟只眨两三下眼睛。所以记得多眨眼。这对你的眼睛有帮助。故答案为Blink your eyes more.
35. The writer wants to tell us how to protect our eyes.【解析】根据整个文章的理解可知,文章主要是介绍的是如何保护我们的眼睛的一些方法,故答案为The writer wants to tell us how to protect our eyes.
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