The Victoria Amazonica is native to(原产于)South America. It is famous for itssize and strength. Its hu

Passage 19(2020 •徐州市)
The Victoria Amazonica is native to(原产于)South America. It is famous for itssize and strength. Its huge leaves grow to 2.5m in diameter(直径), and a fully-grown leaf can support a little kid sitting in the center. Its flowers are also big— up to 40cm in diameter. However, you can only enjoy the sight of the flowers for a short time, because they last for only 48 hours or so.
The Calceolaria Uniflora is a plant from the southern area of South America. It looks like a slipper(拖鞋). It is also known as Darwin’s Slipper Flower, because itwas first discovered by Charles Darwin in his trip around South America. These amusing flowers also look like little orange aliens walking together over the rocks, so sometimes they are nicknamed the Happy Alien Plant.
The Azorella Compacta looks like a beanbag sofa, but actually it is made up of thousands of flowering buds(花蕾)on long stems(茎). It can support the weightof a human. The plant is native to the high Andes in South America. It grows very slowly, nearly 15mm per year. It is also one of the oldest living things in the world.
Many of the Azorella Compactas we see are thought to be over 3,000 years old.
回答下面 5 个问题,每题答案不超过7个词。
66. How long is the Victoria Amazonica in flower?
67. There are another two names for the Calceolaria Uniflora. What are they?
68. How fast does the Azorella Compacta grow?
69. Are the Victoria Amazonica and the Azorella Compacta weak or strong?
70. Please give a suitable title for the article.
66. For only 48 hours/48 h/two days/2 days (or so).   
解析】根据表格第一栏“However, you can only enjoy the sight of the flowers for a short time, because they last for only 48 hours or so.”可知,亚马逊王莲只有48小时的花期。故答案为For only 48 hours/48 h/two days/2 days (or so).
67. Darwin’s Slipper Flower. (The/the) Happy Alien Plant.    
解析】根据表格第二栏“It is also known as Darwin’s Slipper Flower…so sometimes they are nicknamed the Happy Alien Plant”可知,达尔文蒲包花又叫做:达尔文的拖鞋、欢乐的外星人。故答案为Darwin’s Slipper Flower. (The/the) Happy Alien Plant.
68. (Nearly) 15 mm per/every year.    
解析】根据表格第三栏“It grows very slowly, nearly 15mm per year.”可知,紧密小鹰芹的生长速度为几乎每年15毫米。故答案为(Nearly) 15 mm per/every year.
69. Strong.
解析】根据表格第一栏“It is famous for itssize and strength”和第三栏“It can support the weightof a human”可知,亚马逊王莲和紧密小鹰芹都非常强壮。故答案为Strong.
70. (Three) Fantastic plants in (South) America.
解析】根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了三种生长在南美洲的奇异的植物,分别是亚马逊王莲、达尔文蒲包花以及紧密小鹰芹,故“南美洲的三种奇异的植物”可作为本文标题。故答案为(Three) Fantastic plants in (South) America.(本题答案不唯一,合理即可)
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