Library Cards are free to all people in California. They allow you to borrow books, magazines, CDs,

Passage 72【2020•四川省乐山市中考】
Services > Using your Card
Library Cards are free to all people in California. They allow you to borrow books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs from our library. They also allow you to use the computers at the library.
Click here to apply for(申请)a Card.
★You must show your photo ID in person at the library.
★You must come to the library to receive a Card or change an expired(到期的)Card yourself. Library Cards expire after four years.
★You can always update(更新)your address, phone number and email online.
★Tell us immediately if your Card is lost or stolen.
Cards for kids and teens
The signature(签名)of a parent is needed for children(aged 13 and under). The parent must also provide a photo ID. Teens(aged 14 to 17)use the process(流程). However, teens who already have their own photo ID can apply without a parent's signature.
Borrowing materials(材料)
A Library Card allows you to borrow 25 things at most. You can keep each borrowed thing for more than 60 days.
If things are not returned in 60 days you should pay for them. The fine for books and magazines is $1.00 each per day. The fine for CDs and DVDs is $2.00 each per day.
31. Where can you probably find the passage?
A. In a magazine. B. On a website. C. In a story book.
32. You don't have to go to the library when you want to ____________.
A. receive a Card B. borrow a magazine C. update your information
33. If you receive your Library Card on July 21, 2020, when will the Card be out-of-date?
A. On November 21, 2020. B. On July 21, 2023. C. On July 21, 2024.
34. If you are over 17 years old, what do you need to apply for a Card?
A. Your own photo ID. B. The Card of your parent. C. Your parent's signature.
35. If you fail to return the borrowed CDs within 60 days, how much should you pay for them every day?
A. $1.00 each. B. $2.00 each. C. $3.00 each.
31.B【解析】推理判断题。文章主要介绍了申请图书证的方法以及使用图书证借书所遵循的规则,根据“Click here”点击此处,可知这篇文章来自某个网站。故选B。
32.C【解析】细节理解题。根据“You must come to the library to receive a Card or change an expired Card yourself”,可知你必须自己到图书馆去接收图书证或更换到期的图书证,排除 A选项。根据常识,借杂志也是必须要去图书馆,排除B选项。文中并未提及必须要到图书馆更新信息,更新信息在线即可完成。故选C 。
33.C【解析】推理判断题。根据“Library Cards expire after four years”,可知,图书证四年后到期。如果在2020年7 月21日收到了图书证,这张图书证会在2024年7月 21日到期。故选C。
34.A【解析】细节理解题。根据“The signature of a parent is needed for children (aged 13 and under). The parent must also provide photo ID. Teens (aged 14 to17) use the same process”可知,超过17岁想申请一张图书证,只需自己带照片的证件,而不需要父母的证件。故选A。
35.B【解析】细节理解题。根据最后“The fine for CDs and DVDs is $2.00 each per day.”如果在60天以内没有归还借的CD,每天需要付2美元。故选B。
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