Jane works as a secretary(秘书)in a small office. Her boss, although kind, is sometimes a bit foolish.

Passage 69【2020 •黑龙江省龙东地区中考】
Jane works as a secretary(秘书)in a small office. Her boss, although kind, is sometimes a bit foolish. He likes to keep lots of plants in front of their office to attract(吸引)customers.
It seems to work, since Jane is often busy greeting new customers. Nearly every customer likes to take a look at the colorful plants.
One of Jane's other responsibilities(职责)is to water the plants. This is one of her favorite jobs to do around the office, as it allows her to spend some time outside away from her desk. She does it every morning before staring the rest of her work day.
One afternoon, her boss came over to her desk and kindly asked her to water the plants, as she hadn't done it yet that day.
“But sir, it's been raining outside all morning …” she said.
“Oh! I see, that explains it. Well here then, you can take my umbrella while you water them,” the boss replied.
71. Where does Jane work?
A. In a mall. B. In an office. C. In a hospital.
72. Why does the boss keep many plants?
A. He likes flowers. B. Jane likes flowers. C. To attract customers.
73. What other responsibilities does Jane have besides greeting customers?
A. To water the plants. B. To look at the plants. C. To take umbrellas.
74. It has been raining all morning, hasn't it?
A. Yes, it has. B. No, it hasn't. C. Yes, it does.
75. What is Jane's boss like?
A. He is clever. B. He isn't kind. C. He's a bit foolish.
71.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第1段中“Jane works as a secretary in a small office.”可知Jane在一个小办公室工作。故选B。
72.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第1段中“He likes to keep lots of plants in front of their office to attract customers.”可知老板在办公室前面养植物是为了吸引顾客。故选C。
73.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第3段中“One of Jane's other responsibilities is to water the plants.”可知给植物浇水是Jane的职责之一。故选A。
74.A【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第2段中“But sir, it's been raining outside all morning …”可知确实下了一上午的雨,反意疑问句要根据事实来作答,此处用肯定回答,结合问句中“has been”,可知此处用“Yes, it has.”来作答。故选A。
75.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第1段中“Her boss, although kind, is sometimes a bit foolish.”及文中说老板让Jane下雨天打着伞去给植物浇水,可知老板有点傻。故选C。
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