In India, the country with the world’s second-highest number of Covid-19 cases, some hospitals have

    In India, the country with the world’s second-highest number of Covid-19 cases, some hospitals have started to use robots to connect patients with their loved ones, and assist healthcare workers.
Bangalore-based Invento Robotics has designed three robots to carry out tasks including cleaning surfaces, answering patients questions and enabling video consultations (咨询) with doctors.
Of the eight the company has so far used? the most popular model is Mitra. Using facial-recognition (面部识别) technology, the robot can remember the names and faces of patients it has contacted. Mitra can travel around a hospital independently, helping patients connect with family and doctors via its cameras and a video screen.
“Mitra can be the nurse’s or doctor’s assistant, take readings and vitals, remind them of medicines,” says Balaji Viswanathan, CEO of Invento Robotics.
He says the human-like robot interacts with patients and gains their trust. “It may sound funny but we are using robots to bring humanity (Aft) to hospitals,” he tells CNN Business.
Yatharth Hospital in the city of Noida, northern India? has deployed two Mitra robots --one at its entrance to screen patients and the other in the ICU (intensive care unit).
“Inside our ICU, Mitra helps patients connect with their families through video and gives the patient’s family a look inside,” hospital director Kapil Tyagi tells CNN Business.
“Patients get happy and positive whenever the robot visits them. They are often taking photos with Mitra,” he says.
Viswanathan says Invento uses “best in class security“ for video feeds between doctors, patients and their families. For in-depth telemedicine consultations? a booth is built around the robot to give patients privacy.
8.What does the underlined phrase “carry out” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Change. B.Judge. C.Perform. D.Design.
9.What can we learn from Balaji  Viswanathan’s words?
A.Mitra is very funny.
B.Mitra is quite helpful.
C.Mitra can act like humans.
D.Mitra has the latest technology.
10.How do patients feel about the human-like robots?
A.Satisfied. B.Lost. C.Proud. D.Worried.
11.Which can be the best title of the text?
A.How Can Robots Help Patients in India
B.Robots Are Welcomed by Hospitals in India
C.Robots Have Brought About Changes in India
D.Robots Join in the Fight Against Covid-19 in India
这是一篇新闻报道。在世界上Covid -19病例数量第二多的印度,一些医院已经开始使用机器人连接患者与他们的亲人,并协助医护人员。
词句猜测题。根据划线词组后的“tasks including cleaning surfaces, answering patients questions and enabling video consultations (咨询) with doctors(任务包括清洁表面,回答病人的问题,以及与医生进行视频会诊)”可推知,划线词组carry out意为“执行”。 故选C。
推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“Mitra can be the nurse’s or doctor's assistant, take readings and vitals, remind them of medicines(米特拉可以是护士或医生的助手,记录读数和生命体征,提醒他们吃药)”可知,从Balaji Viswanathan的话中可知,米特拉非常有帮助。故选B。
.细节理解题。根据第五段第一句“He says the human-like robot interacts with patients and gains their trust.(他说,这种类人机器人与病人互动,并获得他们的信任)”可知,病人对这种类人机器人很满意。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“In India, the country with the world’s second-highest number of Co vid-19 cases, some hospitals have started to use robots to connect patients with their loved ones, and assist healthcare workers.(在世界上Covid-19病例数量第二多的印度,一些医院已经开始使用机器人连接患者与他们的亲人,并协助医护人员)”及下文介绍可知,Robots Join in the Fight Against Covid-19 in India(在印度,机器人加入了对抗Covid-19的战斗)适合做本文最佳标题。故选D。
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