Artificial intelligence(AI)(人工智能)is the ability of a computer program or a machine. The computer o

(四)【2019 • 四川省广安市】
    Artificial intelligence(AI)(人工智能)is the ability of a computer program or a machine. The computer or the machine with AI can think and learn. It is also a field of study that tries to make computers "smart". John McCarthy, a scientist, came up with(提出)the name "artificial intelligence" over 60 years ago. Many things such as learning and problem solving can be done by computers, though not in the same way as people do.
An unusual goal of AI research is to create computer programs. They can learn, solve problems, and think logically(逻辑地). At present, Al can successfully understanding human speech, recognizie (识别)human faces, operate self-driving cars and compete in some game systems like playing Chess. However, some people also consider(认为)AI a danger to humans if it develops too quickly. A famous British scientist also was not for this kind of technology.
Math is the basic language of AI. If students are good at math, they will be more likely to become successful AI designers(设计者)in the future. We need not only bright students, but also average(普通的)students. As for(对于)average students, if they get enough math skills, they can also become successful AI designers. Besides, a good knowledge of computer science is also necessary for AI designing.
Scientists hope to create creative(有创造力)and emotional (有感情的)AI. The AI can possibly understand human feelings or create art. Many ways and tools have been tried to discover this wide and exciting field.
13. From Paragraph 1, we know that ___________.
A. all problems can be solved by computers
B. machines with AI can think and learn
C. AI has been around for only 60 years
D. AI works in the same way as people
14. According to the passage, what can’t AI do at present?
A. Understand human speech. B. Operate self-driving cars.
C. Compete in some game systems. D. Understand human feelings.
15. The underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2 refers to(指的是)___________.
A. chess B. a scientist C. the danger D. AI
16. According to the passage, if students want to become successful AI designers, they should learn ___________ well.
A. math and art B. art and technology
C. math and computer science D. art and computer science
17. Paragraph 4 mainly tells us the scientist ___________ about AI.
A. wishes B. worries C. feelings D. discoveries
13. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句和第二句Artificial intelligence(AI)(人工智能)is the ability of a computer program or a machine. The computer or the machine with AI can think and learn. 人工智能是计算机程序或机器的能力。计算机或具有人工智能的机器可以思考和学习。可知,故选B。
14. D【解析】细节理解题。根据At present, Al can successfully understanding human speech, recognizie (识别)human faces, operate self-driving cars and compete in some game systems like playing Chess. 目前,艾尔能够成功地理解人类的语言,识别(识别)人类的面孔,操作自动驾驶的汽车,并在一些游戏系统(如下棋)中进行竞争。可知,故选D。
15. D【解析】代词指代题。根据上文的Some people also consider(认为)AI a danger to humans有些人还认为人工智能对人类是一种危险。可知,it指的是AI,如果人工智能发展迅速的话,它对人类是一种危险。故选D。
16. C【解析】推理判断题。根据文中We need not only bright students, but also average(普通的)students. As for(对于)average students, if they get enough math skills, they can also become successful AI designers. Besides, a good knowledge of computer science is also necessary for AI designing. 我们不仅需要聪明的学生,也需要普通的学生。至于普通的学生,如果他们有足够的数学技能,他们也可以成为成功的人工智能设计师。此外,对于人工智能设计来说,良好的计算机科学知识也是必不可少的。可知,故选C。
17. A【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段Scientists hope to create creative(有创造力)and emotional (有感情的)AI. The AI can possibly understand human feelings or create art. Many ways and tools have been tried to discover this wide and exciting field. 科学家们希望创造出有创造力和情感的人工智能。人工智能可能理解人类的感受或创造艺术。许多方法和工具都试图发现这个广阔而令人兴奋的领域。可知,故选A。
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