In China, each year we produce about 150 million tons of city waste according to a report. Where doe

Passage 82【2020•重庆市B卷中考】
In China, each year we produce about 150 million tons of city waste according to a report. Where does the waste go? People usually burn or bury(埋)it. On the other hand, we receive waste from some developed countries. We get useful materials from it. What about the useless part? Still burned or buried. But is it a proper way?
Waste pollutes the environment, harms people's health and causes animals to die. It also gets in the way of green and sustainable development. We can't make money at the cost of the environment. We should leave clean water and green mountains to our next generations(一代人).
China is getting really serious about waste now.
We are taking less waste from developed countries. From January 2018, China started to stop 24 kinds of waste coming into our country. And more laws and rules about dealing with waste have been made. Anyone who breaks the law will be punished.
China also tries to put waste into good use. One example is the waste electricity factories. They burn waste to make electricity in a green way. No harmful gases or water will get into the environment.
The Chinese government is encouraging people to do waste sorting(分类). Cities like Shanghai, Chongqing and Beijing have their own sorting systems. More will join them soon. As President Xi Jinping said during a visit to Shanghai, waste sorting is a new fashion(时尚). More and more people are forming the habit of separating their waste.
32. The writer starts the passage by _________.
A. telling stories B. comparing numbers
C. raising questions D. giving suggestions
33. The underlined word "sustainable" in Paragraph 2 means "________"in Chinese.
A. 可享受的 B. 可持续的 C. 可借鉴的 D. 可复活的
34. From the passage, we know that _________.
A. waste does harm only to the environment
B. those who break the law may not be punished
C. China stops getting waste from developed countries
D. waste sorting starts to become popular in China
35. The structure of the passage may be_________.
(①=Paragraph1 ②=Paragraph2 ③=Paragraph 3 ④=Paragraph4 ⑤=Paragraph 5
⑥=Paragraph 6)
A. B.
C. D.
32.C【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段出现的三个问句“Where does the waste go?... What about the useless part?...But is it a proper way?”可知,本文是通过提出问题开始的,故选C。
33.B【解析】词义猜测题。根据“We should leave clean water and green mountains to our next generations(一代人).”(我们应该把青山绿水留给我们的下一代)可推断,suitable在这里的意思是“可持续的”,也就是我们经常说的“可持续发展”,故选B。
34.D【解析】细节理解题。根据“waste sorting is a new fashion(时尚). More and more people are forming the habit of separating their waste.”(垃圾分类是一个新的时尚。越来越多的人养成了废物分类的习惯。)可知,垃圾分类在中国已经开始流行,故选D。

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