Things You Can Do In One Second To Make Your Life Happier One second. That’s all it takes to make yo

Passage 68【2020 •湖南省常德市中考】


Things You Can Do In One Second To Make Your Life Happier
One second. That’s all it takes to make your life happier.        Then check out this list of things you can do in a single second. That will bring more happiness into your life every day.
Give a great big smile.
Look for an easy way to make your life happier. Smile more. Smiling can help you feel better instantly. And it can be contagious. So give a smile to a total stranger on the street. Or if you’re sad, angry, or annoyed about something, choose to smile and laugh it off instead.
Take a deep breath.
Deep breathing is one of the best ways to reduce stress and bring balance back into your life. And it only takes a second. Take some time out each day to focus on nothing except your breath. You’ll find your life becomes happier, healthier, and less stressful.
Take a sip of water.
It’s no surprise that drinking water is good for your health. Try keeping a water bottle with you wherever you go, and take a second to drink water a couple times every hour. Drinking water can help keep you hydrated, control calories, filter your kidneys, and keep healthy skin.
Give thanks.
Happy people have this in common: They are grateful for all the good things in their lives. This means that to make your life happier, take a few minutes each day and count your blessings. Say “Thank you” more often. Show your appreciation when good things come your way.

instantly   立刻   balance   平衡     focus   集中    hydrated   含水的
calorie   热量    filter   过滤    kidney   肾脏   skin   皮肤  grateful   感激
blessing   福分   appreciate   感激

9. Which can best replace “      ” in the passage?
A. Do you think so? B. Don’t believe it? C. Am I right?
10. What does the word “contagious” mean in Chinese?
A. 充满希望的 B. 滑稽的 C. 有感染力的
11. What can you do to keep healthy skin?
A. Take deep breath. B. Drink some water. C. Give thanks.
12. Which “second” in the following has the same meaning as in the passage?
A. Downstairs, on the second floor, Michael served Mona breakfast.
B. The gun was fired and Beaton was wounded a second time.
C. Can you just lift the table for a second?
推理判断题。根据上文One second. That’s all it takes to make your life happier可知,根据常识可知,一秒钟通常做不了什么事情,故此处说的一秒钟就能让生命更快乐,这一说法让人很难相信。B选项Don’t believe it?“不相信吗?”符合题意,故选B。
词句猜测题。根据第二段中" Smiling can help you feel better instantly."可知微笑能让你立即感觉很好,根据下文“And it can be contagious. So give a smile to a total stranger on the street.”可知,笑容是会传染,所以在街上遇到陌生人也应该多笑一笑。C选项“有感染力的”符合题意,故选C。
细节理解题。根据原文“Drinking water can help keep you hydrated, control calories, filter your kidneys, and keep healthy skin.”可知,喝水可以保持皮肤健康。B选项Drink some water“喝水”符合题意,故选B。
词句猜测题。原文中“second”的意思是“一秒钟”,C选项Can you just lift the table for a second?“你能把桌子抬一下吗?”其中,second意为“一秒钟”,故选C。

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