Any form of presentation or speech can be challenging, particularly if you are not used to talking

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
   Any form of presentation or speech can be challenging, particularly if you are not used to talking in front of the public. I have been doing presentations and   21   training programs for many years,  22   I have got quite used to it.
   Recently, I spoke at a conference about the key factors in business success. As usual, I researched on what I wanted to   23  , and cleared up the structure and content of the presentation. As I had always done, I arrived at the conference hall   24   to make sure everything was on hand, check out the venue, and also   25   myself. This completed, and then I spoke to the delegates(会议代表) who arrived before the   26   starting time.
   I have always   27   the level of success of my presentations by the applause and comments I received from the   28  . This time I spoke in the session leading up to the morning break, so after the applause   29  , I had the opportunity to personally communicate with nearly all of the delegates. The last delegate I spoke with   30   my hand and said how much she enjoyed my lecture, and that she had got lots of practical   31   to use in her business. And she said that I had consumed much of myself so that she hoped my energy levels would not   32   for the rest of the day and she would like to   33   my efforts in some way.
   While driving back home, I reflected on how   34   I had been to receive all the appreciation and praise for what I had done that morning and how   35   and energized I felt.
21. A. assessing B. conducting C. designing D. studying
22. A. as B. though C. but D. so
23. A. cover B. improve C. learn D. check
24. A. regularly B. finally C. early D. exactly
25. A. train B. warn C. encourage D. prepare
26. A. scheduled B. official C. usual D. previous
27. A. measured B. recognized C. compared D. guessed
28. A. colleagues B. audience C. students D. leaders
29. A. appeared B. changed C. ended D. spread
30. A. caught B. moved C. shook D. touched
31. A. tips B. drills C. plans D. notes
32. A. continue B. increase C. suffer D. balance
33. A. confirm B. announce C. imitate D. repay
34. A. fortunate B. shocking C. grateful D. confident
35. A. anxious B. refreshed C. impressed D. fascinated
【语篇解读】作者从事演讲工作多年, 在最近一次的演讲活动中, 作者又一次从听众那里获得了积极的反馈, 同时也明白了一些道理。
21. B  作者从事演讲和培训工作多年, 已经习惯在公众面前讲话了。
22. D  根据语境可知, 设空处前后是因果关系, 故用so连接。
23. A  作者像往常一样, 首先确定自己要讲的内容。
24. C  作者早早地到达演讲地点, 确认各项事宜是否已准备妥当。
25. D  同时作者也让自己做好充分的准备。
26. A  一切准备完毕后, 作者便会和那些在会议预定时间之前到达的会议代表交谈几句。
27. A  作者以听众的掌声和评价来衡量自己演讲成功的程度。
28. B  见上题解析
29. C  作者一直讲到上午的休息时间, 所以在大家鼓掌结束后, 作者有机会几乎与每一位会议代表进行交流。
30. C  这里指这位会议代表跟作者握手。
31. A  她还表示从作者的演讲中学到了很多实用的方法, 可以运用到自己的工作中。
32. C  这位会议代表说作者在刚才的演讲中已经消耗了不少精力, 于是, 她希望作者的精力在今天余下的时间里不会受到影响。
33. D  并且, 她想以某种方式回报作者所付出的努力。
34. A  作者觉得能得到听众的欣赏和赞美是很幸运的。
35. B  根据下文中的and energized I felt可知, 作者那一天做完演讲后感到精神焕发, 精力充沛。
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