Do people make campfires anymore? I’m a campfire girl at heart. It all began with a 21 in a par

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
   Do people make campfires anymore? I’m a campfire girl at heart. It all began with a   21   in a park in New York City. When I was a little skirt-wearing five-year-old, my family   22   in New York for a summer. My father and I would go out early to walk the dog.
   One morning, as my father threw sticks for the dog, I started   23   sticks of my own. Always ready to play and teach, my dad showed me how to   24   a campfire. He took my sticks and helped me   25   many different twigs(小树枝). He started with a tepee shape(圆锥帐篷形),   26   placing sticks on top of the others. He warned me not to pack the sticks too tightly together, so the air could   27   and feed the fire. While I worked on the “A” structure of tepee and others, the sounds of the city died away.
   Several years later, at summer camp, we had a(n)   28  : who could make a campfire the fastest? My lessons in the park in New York City were   29  . I used the “A” structure and blew gently, giving the flame   30   air to grow and light the larger sticks.
   When I grew up, I still took special   31   in building campfires. Then I would get it burning, making a small fire to   32  . Dad and I ate lots of   33   over our fires—potatoes and just-caught fish.
   The thickly leafed trees of the park gave way to pines, but the kinship(血缘关系) I experienced with my dad remained the   34  . I was his campfire girl, sharing his love of the outdoors and his skill with a(n)   35  . We were building something to warm us then and now.
21A. picnic B. party C. show D. walk
22. A. explored B. lived C. performed D. hid
23. A. running after B. checking with C. handing over D. picking up
24. A. build B. find C. use D. design
25. A. replace B. borrow C. collect D. count
26. A. strictly B. correctly C. carefully D. nervously
27. A. flow B. go C. rise D. remain
28. A. task B. interview C. celebration D. competition
29. A. hard B. helpful C. interesting D. expensive
30. A. no B. only C. any D. enough
31. A. pleasure B. practice C. pride D. part
32. A. light B. observe C. cook D. share
33. A. meals B. fruits C. meat D. bread
34. A. first B. best C. same D. biggest
35. A. experiment B. fire C. trip D. holiday
【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了作者对营火的热爱, 因为这是联系她和爸爸的纽带。
21. D  根据本段中的“My father and I would go out early to walk the dog.”及第2段中的One morning, as my father threw sticks for the dog可知, 作者在一次散步时与营火结缘。
22. B  根据空后的for a summer及“My father and I would go out early to walk the dog.”可知, 作者和家人夏天住在纽约。
23. D  根据空前的as my father threw sticks for the dog可知, 作者开始捡拾小木棍。
24. A  根据空前的Always ready to play and teach可知, 作者的爸爸开始教她怎么搭建营火堆。
25. C  根据该段中的many different twigs及placing sticks on top of the others可知, 作者的爸爸帮助她一起收集了很多不同的小树枝, 然后开始搭一个圆锥形的营火锥, 他仔细地把一些小棍子搭在另一些的上面。
26. C  见上题解析
27. A  根据本段中的He warned me not to pack the sticks too tightly together及feed the fire可知, 作者的爸爸告诉她不要把木棍搭得太紧密, 这样空气才可以流动。
28. D  根据空后的who could make a campfire the fastest可知, 在几年后的一次夏令营活动中, 作者参加了一场生营火的比赛。
29. B  根据上文对作者学习生营火的描述及空后的I used the “A” structure可知, 那次学习非常有用。
30. D  根据本段中的blew gently...air to grow and light the larger sticks可知, 作者轻轻吹气, 让足够的空气助燃。
31. A  根据本段中的“When I grew up, I building campfires.”可知, 作者长大后, 她仍然喜欢生营火。take pleasure in “以……为乐;喜欢”。
32. C  根据本段中的potatoes and just-caught fish可知, 作者会生营火做饭, 而且她和爸爸吃过很多次这种饭。
33. A  见上题解析
34. C  根据空前的The thickly leafed trees of the park gave way to pines, but可知, 尽管公园里的茂叶树木变成了松柏, 可作者和爸爸的血缘关系却没有改变。
35. B  根据文中描述作者对营火的热爱以及讲述爸爸教作者生营火的故事可知, 作者也跟她的爸爸一样热爱户外活动, 也学会了爸爸生火的技巧。
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