Taylor Pollard remembers when her younger sister, Kheris Rogers, was in first grade she once asked

  Taylor Pollard remembers when her younger sister, Kheris Rogers, was in first grade she once asked to stay in the bathroom longer---she hoped it would make her skin lighter. Kids were making fun of Rogers’ dark complexion. So Erika Pollard, the girls’ mom, moved Rogers to another school. Kids still made fun of her, but this time the kids bullying(霸凌)her were black.
Taylor Pollard wanted to help her sister feel good about herself. In 2017, she took a picture of Kheris. She posted it online. She wrote Kheris was “flexing in her complexion”. That is an expression their grandmother used often to encourage the girls to feel beautiful. Complexion means skin color. Flexing is a term for “showing off” or “showing pride”.
Then the sisters received many messages supporting Rogers and decided they wanted to direct that energy. Together, they came up with the idea of putting the message on a T-shirt Their business, Flexin’ In My Complexion, started shortly after that in April 2017. Erika gave the sisters about $100. Then their project got off the ground. They used some of the money to build a website. They also learned how to screen print T-shirts. The sisters set up shop in the garage behind their mom’s house in LA.
The sisters are co-CEOs. So far the sisters have sold more than 10,000 T-shirts. Flexin’ in My Complexion has done more than make money for the sisters. It has also helped Rogers become confident. When she was being bullied, Rogers says she would come home from school upset.
“I would always come home crying; I would just have tears coming down my face,” she says. “My confidence is probably 10 million times higher right now. You have no way of knowing but my confidence back then was probably as low as it could be.”
4.What made Rogers’ classmates laugh at her?
A.Her skin color. B.Her behavior.
C.Her schoolwork. D.Her family background.
5.How did Pollard help her sister?
A.By visiting their grandmother and asking her for help.
B.By choosing a new school for her.
C.By introducing her to kids with similar experiences.
D.By sharing her picture online.
6.Why did the sisters start their business?
A.To remember their grandmother. B.To advertise their T-shirts.
C.To encourage others. D.To support their family.
7.Which of the following words can best describe Rogers today?
A.Honest and polite. B.Brave and confident.
C.Popular but unhappy. D.Hard-working but impatient.
这是一篇记述文。讲述了Kheris Rogers因为肤色受到了同学的霸凌。在她姐姐的帮助下,她创立了自己的品牌,增长了自信,走出了阴霾。
细节理解题。根据第一段中“she once asked to stay in the bathroom longer— she hoped it would make her skin lighter”(她曾经要求在浴室里待更长的时间——她希望这会使她的皮肤更白)以及“Complexion means skin color”(这意味着她的肤色)可知,Rogers因为肤色而被取笑。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Taylor Pollard wanted to help her sister feel good about herself. In 2017, she took a picture of Kheris. She posted it online. She wrote Kheris was flexing in her complexion”可知,Taylor Pollard想帮助她的妹妹自信,帮她拍了一张照片,并将这张照片分享到了网上。因此Pollard是通过在网上分享她的照片帮助她的妹妹。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“Then the sisters received many messages supporting Rogers and decided they wanted to direct that energy. Together, they came up with the idea of putting the message on a T-shirt Their business”(然后,姐妹们收到了许多支持Rogers的信息,决定引导这个力量。共同地,他们想出了将信息放在T恤上的想法。)可知姐妹俩开始做生意的原因是为了引导支持Rogers的力量,意在表明姐妹俩做生意是为了鼓励他人。故选C项。
推理判断题。由最后一段中的“My confidence is probably 10 million times higher right now. You have no way of knowing but my confidence back then was probably as low as it could be.”(我的信心现在可能高出一千万倍。 你可能不了解,但是那时的我的信心可能低到低谷。)意在表明现在的 Rogers是勇敢、自信的。故选B项。
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