I failed a test. I felt terrible. It hurt me both inside and out. I was embarrassed. Just think abou

Passage 23【2020•湖北省天门、仙桃、潜江、江汉油田】
I failed a test. I felt terrible. It hurt me both inside and out. I was embarrassed. Just think about it. 37.!
I cried. I could not sleep. “I was supposed to be at the top! How will I face my friends at school?” I thought. I would never be happy again. Never!
38.. She said, “So, you failed a test. But do you know about another test that is even more important?”
“What is it?” I looked at my mother, puzzled.
“It is whether or not you can learn from your mistake,” my mom continued. “39.. To me, that is more important than what you scored on a test.”
After a few days of struggling, I finally understood what my mom had said. She was right. 41.. I will walk away from this a better person.
A.What my mom said really made me think
B.My mom found out about my problem
C.I should not pity myself because of this one bad test
D.Learning from your mistakes will make you strong
E.A smart girl did not pass the test
37.E【解析】根据上文中“I failed a test. I felt terrible.”可知作者考试失利,感觉很糟糕,再由空前“Just think about it.”可知此处要强调考试失利这个事实,结合备选项可知要用“A smart girl did not pass the test”表示“一个聪明的女孩没有通过考试”。故选E。
38.B【解析】根据下文妈妈的话“So, you failed a test.”可知妈妈发现了作者的问题,结合备选项可知要用“My mom found out about my problem”表示“我妈妈发现了我的问题”。故选B。
39.D【解析】根据上文“It is whether or not you can learn from your mistake”可知妈妈提到的更重要的事情是从错误中学习,结合备选项可知要用“Learning from your mistakes will make you strong”表示“从错误中学习会让你变得更强大”。故选D。
40.A【解析】上文妈妈讲了从错误中学习的重要性,根据下文“After a few days of struggling, I finally understood what my mom had said.”可知作者经过了一番思考,结合备选项可知要用“What my mom said really made me think”表示“我妈妈的话确实让我思考”。故选A。
41.C【解析】根据上文“She was right. ”讲妈妈是对的,可知会反思自己的行为,结合选项可知要用“I should not pity myself because of this one bad test”表示“我不应该因为这次考试不好而自怜”。故选C。
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