Once upon a time, there was a farmer living in the State of Song. He grew crops(庄稼)in a big field ve

Passage 21【2020•湖北省黄石市】




Once upon a time, there was a farmer living in the State of Song. He grew crops(庄稼)in a big field very hard every day. There stood a big tree stump(树桩)in the field. One day, he was working in the field when he saw a rabbit run into the stump, break its neck and die accidentally(意外地).
41.That night he thought: “There is no need for me to work so hard every day. All I have to do is wait by the tree stump and pick up the rabbit that runs into it.” So from then on he stopped farming, and just sat by the tree stump waiting for another rabbit to come and run into it. 42.Crops died and his field became waste gradually(逐渐地). But never did he see another rabbit run into the tree stump.
43.They thought he took the accident for the inevitable(必然的).
In the story, this farmer wanted to live a better life by hoping for having unexpected good luck, but he was too lazy and foolish.44.No one can gain anything if he doesn’t work hard.
Nowadays, people use the phrase “waiting for rabbits by a tree stump” to describe those who just wait and dream of reaping(收获)without sowing. 45.We should also keep in mind that it is a waste of time waiting for something that only happens accidentally in our life. Just come down to earth.
A.Day in and day out, he waited and waited.
B.We should stop daydreaming and get to something practical.
C.People in the village laughed at him for his foolish behavior.
D.Happily, the farmer took the rabbit home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.
E.As the English saying goes, “no pains, no gains.”

41.D【解析】根据上文“One day, he was working… and die accidentally”以及下文“There is no need for me to work so hard every day”可知,农夫看到兔子撞到树桩并且意外地死了,这是个没有付出任何劳动的意外之喜,于是觉得没有必要每天那么辛苦工作,与之搭配的是:很高兴地,农夫把兔子拿回家,给自己做了一顿可口的饭。故选D。
42.A【解析】根据上文“just sat by the … come and run into it.”以及下文“Crops died and his field became waste gradually”可知,农夫一直坐在树桩旁等兔子自己撞上去,稻田庄稼渐渐变得荒芜,与之搭配的是:一天又一天,他等啊等啊。故选A。
43.C【解析】根据上文发生的事以及下文“They thought he took the accident for the inevitable”,他们都认为农夫把一个意外当成是必然,与之搭配的是:村里人都笑话他这种愚蠢的行为。故选C。
44.E【解析】根据下文“No one can gain anything if he doesn’t work hard.”可知,没有人可以通过不努力工作得到任何东西,与之搭配的是:正如英语谚语讲的:没有付出,没有收获。故选E。
45.B【解析】根据上文“people use the phrase…without sowing”可知,《守株待兔》是形容那些不去播种,只靠等待和做梦来收获的人,与之搭配的是:我们应该停止做白日梦,应该采取一些实际行动。故选B。

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